A short free article at the Journal Thyroid for those interested. PR
Classification and Proposed Nomenclature for In... - Thyroid UK
Classification and Proposed Nomenclature for Inherited Defects of Thyroid Hormone Action, Cell Transport, and Metabolism

Some of the heavyweights of ThyroidManager and EndoText there in that author list!
I entirely agree that the nomenclature does need to be sorted out. First glance suggests the effects of this paper are going to cause a wave followed by ripples for many years. Hope they have mad the right decisions.
As always...
I notice Antony Weetman is one of the thyroid manager experts. Isn't he one of those against using anything other than levo or have I got confused?
Don't take my post as endorsing them all - and all their views!
Weetman seems have have made himself very unpopular with lots of people - especially patients. Nevertheless his name does appear on some interesting and potentially useful papers. Such as the frequently quoted daily rhythms of thyroid hormones paper.
I do find it difficult to understand how he can both understand so much and still fail to grasp so much else. Or is that my failure?
I was just unsure of whether it was the same person I thought it was
I remember that paper and commenting that he must be a great doctor only to be pointed in the direction of some of his more controversial views!
I don't think it's your failing at all. I find him very contradictory. I just couldn't remember if it was the same person in the list as I remember from that paper Perhaps he is under pressure from 'the establishment'.
Thank you. May be useful if I have to wrangle with my CCG re T3prescribing.