Could anyone please tell me where to get an aldosterone and renin home test here in the uk please? X
Aldosterone and renin: Could anyone please tell... - Thyroid UK
Aldosterone and renin

Hi I do not know exactly. However, if it is a reliable test then Blue Horizon will do it, main site, they do more and some better tests than NHS, also the "In house" Labs at most private hospitals, so well accepted by docs.
Thanks Jackie. Im trying to follow the protocol from the adrenal group, I dont think that blue horizon fits the bill as its a blood spot one.
I have no idea where/if you can get a home aldo/renin test kit here. But why not get an NHS endo (or private) to do one for you? I did.
Hi coppernob. The endo wont do it and I cant afford to see someone private.
How very aggravating for you. Change endos? Or, if you know kits are available in, say, States, order from there? Certainly worth pursuing. My endo needed persuasion to do this test but did it (perhaps she herself suffers from hyperreninaemic hypoaldosteronism) and it came back that I do indeed have low resting aldosterone. Also the 24-hour lolinogram urine test showed chronically depleted salt levels. I saw Prof Yvette Lolin in Tunbridge Wells, if that helps at all.
Yes ive changed edos and still got no where. I dont think its viable to get the kit from the states as I dont think the blood would stay fresh/stable by the time it got back there. Thanjs for the info though.
Also, I should have said, you can do 24 hour urine collections, not expensive, but I think mostly the private hospitals, with authorisation. GP1s can do it, but do not understand and just not worth the effort! Takes ages through GP any way.I have my Potassium, calcium and sodium checked like that, but the potassium so unusual nothing about it on the WEB.The only test for Adrenals that my Endo says is any good, has to be through a doc, As 24 hour urine collection, cortisone tablet at midnight ( script) and blood test at 9am. She says that is totally reliable and I have found it so myself, many times.