hi, does anyone else feel sick, or actually be... - IBS Network

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hi, does anyone else feel sick, or actually be sick when they get the bad stomach pain, and does anyone get heartburn/indegestion as well.

brightonlass profile image
15 Replies
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brightonlass profile image
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15 Replies

Yes, I often get indigestion and heartburn, especially when I've stupidly slid off my diet (low FODMAP) and made the IBS really bad. Once that calms down, the indigestion usually stops as well, although sometimes I have to take Omeprazole for a few days.

I have frequent nausea, but fortunately never vomit. I do, however, know 2 people who are actually sick if they eat only 3 meals a day. They both find that by eating 6 or 7 very small meals instead they don't vomit.

Hope this helps.

tiredmum profile image


i get terrible indigestion and it may sound silly but my stomach can feel like its been scraped with a spoon. i can taste acid and can get really bad breath when suffering. my tongue also goes a funny shape. as for heart burn, the pain shoots up my chest into my neck and i have to sit down for a while until it eases. i suffer with so much nausea too but the doc has given me some tablets to ease this.

i have found that eating little and often is much better and reduces the pain and nausea.

also i find eating stodgy food - rice potatoes bread pasta helps with the indigestion as it lines the stomach rather than eating soup or fruit.

amariea profile image

I get nausea (but not actually sick) when I have very severe cramps. I don't always get nauseas though, guess it depends on how severe the IBS-D and cramps are.

Boogie profile image

Yes, I have bad acid and taking med for which helps. I have also found that when I exercise more vigorously, not only do I need to go to the loo URGENTLY but I then start throwing up. Tried various options to try and stop/limit the vomit but as yet not figured out anything that works.

I got IBS after a tummy bug and it has played havoc with my body - insomnia, night sweats when I do get off to sleep, I did feel I was making progress with FODMAP till my latest flare up (few days after colonoscopy). Generally no nausea but light headed/dizzy lots. Drinking pints and pints of water a day due to daily D so I don't dehydrate as often have a dry mouth.

My doctor explained it as when your guts get out of balance (bacteria) it can have effects through your whole digestive system, as your body tries to deal with it, hence the acid. Sorry I don't have a cure/fix but at least you may understand it better ;-)

ferret29 profile image

Hello there,

I have chronic gastritis along with my IBS and this is the cause for my nausea, heartburn, and indigestion, it is something that though sometimes is suffered along side IBS it is a seperate condition on its own and need proper diognosis and treatment by your healthcare practitioner.

If you experience heartburn diet can play an important role in calming symptoms down like avoiding alcohol, hot spicy foods, tomatoes, and acidic juices like orange and pineapple, milk is not always a great choice either because it encourages the production of acid in the stromach, banana's, slippery elm, fennel tea, ginger tea, and non dairy milks like rice and oat (not soya) and small frequent meals help me I also take GDL liquorice twice a day this has been shown in trials to be quite effective in the treatment of ulcers and gastritis, it must be GDL liquorice as this does not have the negative side effects of raw liquorice such as increased blood pressure etc.

Good luck all with your IBS a very misunderstood and underestimated condition.

brightonlass profile image

thankyou all so much, i felt like i was the only one that suffered these terrible pains and so embarresed by the need to run off to the loo when eating out, luckily my partner is very understanding( he has to be with the dreadfull smell i leave when ive had to rush to the loo) i will try all the tips thankyou all again xx

backstabbers profile image

Hi there,I too suffer with sickness and nausea when I have a very severe IBS attack-I also suffer with heartburn and this only happens in the evening and when I go to bed-im not sure if its because im lying down!! Not pleasant but I try and avoid foods that I know upset my tummy-its not always as easy when I am out eating!!! :-(

brightonlass profile image

Thanks, i hope we all find something to keep this hatefull ailment at bay, at least we have each other to chat about toilet things lol.

hazelwh profile image

The last time I had IBS, yes, I had a lot of nausea and vomitted many times. The vomiting had never happened before. I guess everyone reacts to this in a different way. I get IBS at least once a year and it can last anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 or 3 months.

brightonlass profile image

Poor you hazel, i must be quite lucky i only get about 6-7 flare ups a year but they do last a while, take care.

sickandsore profile image

I too have suffered with nausea and vomiting, ive had severe ibs for the last 3 years though have suffered on and off since i was a child.

I now follow the low fodmap diet under the supervision of a dietician, I have cut out all wheat,gluten and lactose.Also certain fruit and veg and avoid any foods or drinks containing fructose. I suffered with terrible acid and they found after a colonoscopy, that i had ulcers in my ilium (connection between small intestine and large bowel) I now take lanzoprazole daily. I also have been taking golden linseed 3 times a day and this has helped ease the wind/bloating and i havnt suffered any constipation (which is rare).

Peppermint tea was a good drink to ease nausea for me also.

I hope you find somthing that eases your symptoms.

welshchoc profile image

I have the same problem with the nausea and vomiting, heartburn and reflux, they have given me omeprazole for the time being, I now avoid orange juice, tomato pasta sauces anything tomato based, milk chocolate, have gone lactofree. I have heard that the fodmap diet is very good.

sickandsore profile image

Hi there I used to get sick and still get a little nauseous when im having a bad attack. When I had my colonoscopy they found ulcers in my ilium so im now on lanzoprazole which has helped immensley. I follow the low fodmap diet as best i can under the guidance of a dietician. I have found that i have a real problem when i have too much dairy or too much fruit/salad.

timmys77 profile image

hi yes im suffering indegestion right now, his has been a bad flare up for me and i allways get a headache as well thats when i know the stomach pain will be ending soon as i allways finish with a headache, im on omeprazole for acid probs and think this helps with indegestion,.

vezza1989 profile image

When I get a flarevup I feel sick with it

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