This is my first time on here it says fibromyalgia could be connected to IBS?
fibromyalgia: This is my first time on here it... - IBS Network

It's quite common to have IBS with Fibromyalgia but it isn't symptomatic of having Fibromyalgia per se.
Please feel free to check out our Fibromyalgia forum at FibroAction here on Health Unlocked, here's the link -

how do i now if i have fibro
how do i now if i have fibro
Here's the NHS' possible symptom list -
The site also says "If you think you have fibromyalgia, visit your GP. Diagnosing fibromyalgia can be difficult, as there is no specific test that can diagnose the condition." If you feel you have enough of the symptoms, just go to your GP and say you are concerned you could have it! I'm no medical expert and I personally don't have fibro but my dad's partner does and she also suffers with IBS and she just visited her GP but it did take a long time to get a diagnosis because like IBS, there's no test to confirm you have it.
Hi if there is no tests how do you find out if you got Fibro
Like IBS, it's a diagnosis of exclusion so you have to have tests to see if you have any other conditions. This would be arranged by your GP and they'd test for MS, rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions that do have tests to diagnose. You would also get xrays and blood tests. If the results come back negative for those other conditions, then a diagnosis of fibro would be given. You would have to see your GP and tell them that based on your symptoms and the NHS direct website, you think you could have fibro but you want to make sure you don't have any other similarly presenting condition. This is what I had to do to get my IBS diagnosis and my hypermobility syndrome diagnosis!
Hi I have Fibromyalgia & have IBS too! also bladder weakness due too slack muscle control as can't tighten thru pelvic floor excercise.. I think IBS is quite common..