I have found kefir to be the answer to my 5 years of slow motility and abdominal pain ! I had of course tried it years ago, without any change, but over recent research advised drinking 300 - 400mls daily it has made a huge change. I think the main reason behind this is the type of bacteria present ie Streptococcus Thermophillis, which is the strain present in Ferro calm, which is effective in helping the gut to repair following stress. Since I felt my ibs type symptoms started following a very traumatic incident and remained with hypersensitivity etc, I felt it was worth a try. However I also found kefir has that same strain so decided to try taking 3 x 100mils a day. Preferably on an empty stomach and within 2-3 weeks a great improvement! I wanted to share this with everyone as stress seems to be a well known factor and even youngsters can take ( of course if not dairy intolerant). There is a probiotic with S. Thermophillis and other supporting probiotics called Vitl Daily Biotic which is available from Holland and Barrett if tablets preferred or needed to avoid dairy. The advantage of Ferrocalm seems to be its higher content of the strain. I do hope this is helpful to people, it has made a huge impact on my health and wellbeing, and only wish the same for others. Very best wishes Mutley 👍😊
Remarkable Discovery!: I have found kefir to be... - IBS Network
Remarkable Discovery!

If I was to buy the vitl daily biotic from Holland and Barrett . How much capsules would I need to take ? Am on my second month of ferrocalm and nothing has changed
Its also rich in many minerals and vitamins what help with digestion a bowel health. extra 7 severing of this a week will add up to benefits
IBS is also a imflamatory bowel condition and can be healed with antiinflamatorios like turmeric and colloidal silver but do your own research and think for yourself because there is a lot of propaganda against Colloidal silver but just try and eat antiinflamatorios foods and you will see what difference it makes.Take care and keep healthy!
I am so pleased for you that you seem to have found a solution, and I hope it lasts. I did try Ferrocalm for diarrhea for several weeks without any noticeable difference. I showed the packet to the doctor on a routine visit, she studied the ingredients and declared them junk! However, she didn't tell me to take magnesium when she prescribed vit d tablets, so I am not relying on her judgement!
Most if not all gps do not know much about ibs, even most gastroenterologists, will be unable to help if your colonoscopy is clear. It would be nice to have their support but unfortunately they just do not know so may give you medication to help with some of the symptoms , that is all. By the way was it K2 she didn’t advise, I’m not surprised as the NHS does not prescribe that routinely, though of course they should. Anyway good luck.
That's interesting, I've seen Kefir in supermarkets. I eat a lot of Greek yogurt with honey, is yogurt similar to Kefir?
I love Greek yogurt too, but kefir has far more benefits for the gut especially if you drink 300- 400mls per day, I have found it a game changer after only 2 weeks at that amount daily !
Thank you for your reply. I take Greek yogurt every day, as well as Actimel drinks. I used to take Yakult years ago but it's very expensive for the amount. I'll try the Kefir drink next, thanks😊