Hi everyone,just wondering if anyone of you might have some advice as to what pain I’m struggling with. Yes I have ibs constipation and also acid reflux. Yesterday I started with pain across the middle of my stomach and then cramping and running on the loo 6 times. All day I felt weak and uncomfortable and eating was painful but bearable. This morning as soon as I had eaten my porridge I was overwhelmed by really severe pain. In my left side what felt like electric shock type needle pains and under my right rib also bad pain . It felt like I needed to pass a bowel movement but when I strained it made the pains worse. I took a silicol gel sachet which made me open my bowels. The pain subsided but eating is still causing me discomfort across my upper stomach. I will definitely try see my gp but he isn’t usually helpful at all with my ongoing gut issues. My husband is having surgery tomorrow and relying on me for support so last thing I need right now is to be ill myself.
Sharp pain and discomfort when eating. - IBS Network
Sharp pain and discomfort when eating.

Hi Julie have you had a colonoscapy and been checked for divirticulitis .only cause you sound like me and I have been diagnosed with that along with severe IBS .I'm no doctor of course and I'm afraid I have no solution atm as still struggling with pain about 45 minutes after trying to eat .try and perhaps find a lady doctor as I find them a little more empathetic .
Hi, I haven’t had a colonoscopy for 10 years so might be worth requesting another.That one was clear in which they said ibs is definitely my condition. But this past 6 months or so I wake up with this burning sensation in my throat. Doc says acid reflux but the omeprazole which I was on for years seems to cause more gut issues.
Maybe change to lanzoprazol. But for sure you need up to date investigation .I have had my gallbladder out and that's when everything seemed to get worse .pain on eating is now on left upper quadrant .my gallstone symptoms were on right side and was like a really bad stitch pain .could possibly be the ibs still in your case cause that does cause many symptoms. I find I can't eat a whole bowl of soup I get half way and if I try to eat more I actually regurgitate my food .so I'm very little and often but the often is difficult as I have pain and my stuff is still being investigated .it takes time but you have to keep going back to your doctor .