Anyone out there struggling with fibromyalgia and IBS. Is it a common thing to have both?
Fibromyalgia : Anyone out there struggling with... - IBS Network

Hi, I have had IBS for nearly 40 years. Looking back I remember I had pain down my legs with it as it developed. Then some years later I started getting pain down my arms too, this is when I thought it might be fibromyalgia and this gradually went up through my body into my face which is when I found it very disconcerting. After doing some searching online I came up with TMJD which seemed to be what I was experiencing. Then when COVID hit, the pains in the face seemed to get more and more painful. My husband seemed to have COVID when it first appeared in the UK and although I didn't think I had it, I ended up with all these pains, so with hindsight think I had COVID when my husband had it but not very bad (I have never been a person for having lots of colds) and the pain in my head now is unbearable.
I have recently been going private and the doctor agreed with my theory so am hopefully going to try lidocaine soon.
Glad you now have a doctor who is listening. Good luck with your treatment Maureen1958 .
Hi Edgar77.
I think I have Fibromyalgia but my GP refuses to acknowledge it. I know someone who has both Fibromyalgia and IBS , so I do think it's not uncommon.
I wish you good health x
Apparently according to research the 2 can go hand-in hand, I suffer with both as well as cfs, and a damaged back, I'm now registered disabled and can no longer work, in pain most days and it can ve very depressing, I also can't take pain killers as they give me constipation and last time they tried them it caused an anal fissure.I've tried everything for my IBS but nothing has worked, the Dr's have given up and told me to expect pain and deal with it.
I've found nothing helps the fybromyalga either.
I feel for you. I gave up work at 59 as I was affected sick half the time and had to jump before I was pushed. Luckily we can manage on my husbands wage and I will get state pension in 3 years time. My husband had booked a holiday in June and 1 next year abroad. In past it was not a holiday more an indurance test! He is very active and cannot accept that I can't do it. Iv had to. He says "your not trying " your lazy" ect ect. At least I can take paracetamol and do EVERY day. Doc says it is OK but it worrys me. Amitripyline has helped my fibromyalgia a bit. First 3 to 4 days I was a zomby but then everything slowed down. I felt settled., and yes it did cause constipation, but fibogel has helped. I know we are all different. I still have bad days and I k ow I always will. Just wish everyone else could understand this. I have 1 good day and they think I'm better and start making lots of plans. I don't have a crystal ball, so don't know if I will be OK. Its 50/50
Yes. I was told IBS for over 20 years. 7 years ago it was so bad I got a referral and diagnosed with bile acid malabsorption. I also have liver issues. I think they are all linked.
Yes i suffer from both now. I've had bad flare ups with both the last 2 weeks. It seems never ending all this pain!!
l have Ulcerative Colitis and get awful ‘flare ups’. I also have PMR and this keeps flaring up also and is so much pain in shoulders, neck and thighs. I have to keep going back on the steroids to control the pain. It’s all connected with the immune system. I’m on 2 weekly injections Fleximab. Still there are far worse people off than me so l must be thankful. Best wishes.
Yes hon I do. IBS for innumerable years, diagnosed 5 yrs ago. Body pain, lethargy, depression..... gp thought I had rheumatoid arthritis, sent to consultant, he formally diagnosed me 2 yrs ago. I strongly believe it is all connected.
Hi i have ibs bam and msk i seen gastroenterologist in November and she said that i could possibly have fibromalgyia and alot of nerve damage in my stomach off operations over the years she recommended duloxetine
Fibromyalgia often co-exists with other conditions, such as:
Irritable bowel syndrome.
Chronic fatigue syndrome.
Migraine and other types of headaches.
Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome.
Temporomandibular joint disorders.
Postural tachycardia syndrome
Hi, yes I have both, (amongst other things.) And for me, both are triggered by stress. Not easy to avoid in the times we live in sadly! I think this is quite a common factor for most sufferers. I just try to eat sensibly, cut out the foods I know are difficult for me and do mindful gentle things like walking in the countryside, gardening, listening to music etc. I try hard to avoid stressful situations as much as possible but life really does get in the way sometimes! It’s definitely not easy!