just some advise : hi all,I won’t say how are... - IBS Network

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just some advise

Breathless1943 profile image
8 Replies

hi all,I won’t say how are you all doing,as you wouldn’t be reading this if you felt well.

I would just like a bit of advice/ guidance/suggestions. I am 80yrs old in a couple of weeks,and recently I’ve been told my ferritin levels are low,NOT YET Anemic ,and I won’t go into the appointment I had yesterday with a specialist,as it was worrying to say the least.

Has anyone got any advice on how I can help myself with ferritin levels in food. I’ve suffered stomach pain now for years,and it is now getting me down. So I’ve decided to take the low fodmap diet a bit more seriously,I have been told by a friend a couple of squares of Lintz dark chocolate would help. Has anyone out there got any advice,on ferritin or pain relief.

Sorry it’s a long post,I tried to keep as basic as I could. Thank you in advance.😥

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Breathless1943 profile image
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8 Replies
MyStar86 profile image

hello, I had a quick Google to see how to raise ferritin levels via diet I will paste that below and hope it helps but it is usually supplement via meds however I’m the same I wouldn’t touch iron pills with my bowels:

How to increase ferritin levels Dietary changes Increasing the quality and quantity of dietary iron is the best way to increase your ferritin levels and overall iron status. (Link to article: Dietary changes to prevent and treat anaemia) There are two types of iron: haem (from animal sources) and non-haem (from plant sources). Notably, the body absorbs haem iron much better. But haem iron can support the absorption of non-haem iron (6). To improve your iron status, therefore, consider eating a serving of each at any one time – steak with spinach, for instance. Haem iron sources Beef (red meat contains more haem iron than poultry)LambPorkFishPoultry Non-haem iron sources PulsesLegumesDark leafy vegetablesTofuNutsSeeds If you’re on a plant-based diet, you’ll need to eat more non-haem iron, especially if you lose iron-containing blood each month during menstruation. Cooking and soaking nuts and seeds can enhance iron absorption (7). (Link to article: Women and anaemia) Vitamin C may also support iron uptake. With this in mind, try eating a vitamin C source, like citrus fruits or green leafy vegetables, with iron-rich foods.

Hope that helps big hugs xx

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to MyStar86

I also found this:

Avoid Iron BlockersIf you have a low ferritin level, you must avoid eating foods that can block your body’s ability to absorb iron. Iron-blocking foodsinclude tea, coffee, colas, beer, wine and calcium rich foods like dairy products.Over-the-counter antacids and calcium supplements have also iron-blocking properties.

May I ask what pain are you getting? It’s hard to offer advice with pain without knowing where the pain is coming from as what works for one thing won’t work for another. Sorry I can’t help more take care xx

Breathless1943 profile image
Breathless1943 in reply to MyStar86

Hi Star,firstly thank you very much for your time.

I get pain all down by my pelvis,which occasionally goes right under into my Virgina ,depending on how I’m sitting or standing. Some in bed lying down it can go right down to my toes. It’s Pain from when I wake up to when I go to bed,if I can get off to sleep it never wakes me,but as soon as I awake I feel it rising. As I said I’ve had it for years and copped with it,but it’s now beginning to get me down. At night when I sit up on the sofa legs up,I just want to relax but the pain by then is unbearable so I’m moving all over the sofa for comfort,and I’m up and down with the feeling of needing the toilet,usually I don’t but it’s an overwhelming urge.

I myself believe it’s something to do with nerves. But the specialist I seen yesterday asked me why I didn’t believe it was IBS,and I said because it was constant and I didn’t think IBS was,but he said it could be,and unless I had a colonoscopy there’s nothing he could do. When I refused because the last one I had was so painfull,he gave me a list with the fodmap diet,screwed up a blood test he had written out for me,for my ferritin and his words were. “ without a colonoscopy,there’s no point in testing for your ferritin,because if it comes back low you will not want to know. So go home and just enjoy your life without worry.”

Forgetting I’m in pain so how do I do that.

Sorry I’ve gone on a bit.🙄

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to Breathless1943

Don’t worry this is the place to say Everything and get it off your chest as we have all been fobbed off and passed from one specialist to another so I do understand. I know you said the last colonoscopy was painful did you not have sedation? I’ve had many over the years due to inflammation in my bowels and I’ve never had a painful one and always been totally knocked out by the sedation…..it is worth a thought to give you some definitive answers. However there is a stool test a gastro can request that’s called Faecal calprotectin and they use this to see if there is presence of inflammation in the bowel it helps distinguish between ibs and ibd it’s not as accurate as a colonoscopy but it’s just a stool test so much less invasive and usually what a gastro should request prior to a colonoscopy especially if you are adverse to the colonoscopy.

Even with ibs you can have nerve pain but there are medications the gp could prescribe to help such as gabapentin and pregablin they are both used to treat nerve pain or also they can use some antidepressants as they also work in some people for bowel and pain issues relating to the nerves, Duloxetine is an example of you and the gp can prescribe this without a gastro as I am sure you will have to wait ages to see a gastro again if you are going via the nhs so your gp could help with the pain in the short term.

I hope some of this helps and you can also ask your gp to refer you to a pain management specialist who would be best equipped to help with nerve pain however most would want you to rule out ibd via a colonoscopy…… I am no doctor but I have many health conditions and live in constant pain so I can relate to your struggles xx

Breathless1943 profile image
Breathless1943 in reply to MyStar86

My heart goes out to you if your suffering pain star. I also have multiple health issues. I’ve recently had a stool test ,and to be honest practically everything you mentioned there I’ve done or had . I did have sedation for my colonoscopy but I have a strong constitution you might say,as it never touched me.

By the way this chap I seen yesterday was not a gastroenterologist he was a cancer specialist so you can probably understand how I felt when he introduced himself. He also said as I have Emphysema if there was a problem he would not operate due to my breathing.

But I must say thank you so much for the chat,it does help knowing your not alone,I really hope your not suffering to bad,as there’s not many good people,and would say your one of them for offering your empathy. You are a ⭐️

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to Breathless1943

bless you that’s so kind and I’m so sorry I couldn’t help more it’s very hard battling multiple health issues but if you have had that calprotectin stool test and it didn’t show inflammation then they can probably rule out the ibd. As for the sedation I’m the same but I always tell them it takes a lot to knock me out and ever since then they have really dosed me up but I understand colonoscopies are awful especially with the bowel prep I had to do it just recently due to having another surgery so I can see why you are reluctant.

I do think you should see a gastro of you feel your problems are bowel related they could help further and if you haven’t seen a pain management specialist then I would push for that as you said you were looking for help with pain and if you have tried the drugs I mentioned a pain specialist can also prescribe a lot of other things to help that are off label etc or even do things like Botox injections and infusions to help with the pain. I also have endometriosis so I know what pelvic pain is like I’ve had loads of surgeries and a total hysterectomy but waiting to see a new pain specialist so I’m hoping they can help me and a new gastro team so I’m trying to keep hope alive and if I can help or even just be here for you then I’m more than happy to as I do understand and also care no one should suffer and I wouldn’t wish my health on anyone so don’t let it get you down I’m always here I might not be able to help medical wise but I’m here either way.

Keep strong and I’m sending massive hugs xx

Breathless1943 profile image
Breathless1943 in reply to MyStar86

Thank you so much,and if I ever need someone to talk to I’ll sort you out. Just for the record I’ve been waiting to see a pain specialist for the last 18mths or more🙄,and I can also understand keeping up the hope. Lots and lots of love coming your way🌹❤️

jimister profile image

I had a low ferritin. I was given iron tablets but didn't take them as my stomach is so sensitive to everything. I started taking something called Spartone its a water that is high in iron, it comes in small sachets of 28 in a box, 5mls in a sachet. It doesn't upset my stomach at all. My ferritin went up to a normal range. My doctor said it would not be strong enough but it must of done something. I did also make a point of eating a portion of red meat once a week.

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