diazepam : hello have anyone been given diazepam... - IBS Network

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Oscar091 profile image
16 Replies

hello have anyone been given diazepam for the ins and anxiety it’s the only thing that helps xxx

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Oscar091 profile image
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16 Replies
stacem1987 profile image

Hi Oscar091!

Yes in short. I have been on diazapam for my ongoing stomach issues which until recently (around new year) have been classified as IBS for over 20 years. (I was about 14 when diagnosed, I'm 36 in a couple of weeks).

I've been on diazapam for around 15 of those for the anxiety and found during the really bad spouts these are the only thing that helps along with buscopan and various opiates.

I do have a number of health conditions of which the list continues to increase with general anxiety and bouts of severe depression included.

My understanding is that the diazapam allows muscles to relax along with treating the anxiety and therefore is two fold medication. I generally take 20mg per day but can take 40mg if required.

If you have any further questions for me don't hesitate to get in touch! X

Oscar091 profile image
Oscar091 in reply to stacem1987

Hello thank you for replying my doctors only want to give me a half a tablet a day and that’s not enough do you know where I could buy some xxxx

stacem1987 profile image
stacem1987 in reply to Oscar091


I'm in the UK. You cannot buy diazapam legally in the UK, they can only be given on prescription. My tablets are a 5mg tablet. I can take 8 per day if required as I said I generally take 20mg (or 4 tablets) per day but some days I do take the full 40mg (8 tablets).

I started on 2mg tablets but these did not control anything at all. They are now considering moving me to the 10mg tablets for safety.

The best thing you can do is speak to your gp (if in the uk) and explain that you feel you need a higher dose. Generally speaking they should work with you to find the correct dosage to alleviate your symptoms.

If you are elsewhere I'm unsure about where you can get them. But I would suggest speaking to a medical professional before upping your dosage as they are an addictive medication.

I hope this helps x

drax83 profile image

I have been on benzos since I was a benzo baby in 1974. Most of my life been on the stronger one Lorazapam (ativan). This helped a lot with my mental issues and kept my IBS under some control. I was weaned off those in 2010, put on Diazapam instead. (government intereference). they are much weaker than the other, and it's antispasmodic effects are not as strong as Lorazapam. I suffer chronic IBS now. But it's hard to get now, but often used in hospitals for other effects. Even if you was to receive it, 2 to 3 weeks only. I'm a special case now, at 71 I can never come off them. I would be in a mental institution if I wasn't. Diazapam is a class 3 controlled drug, and as such it's use is tightly controlled. It's what cannabis needs to return to. It's ludricous to keep it as an illegal drug.

edwangy profile image

Diazapam is highly addictive, avoid it if you can

Icanchangethislater profile image
Icanchangethislater in reply to edwangy

that’s a very misleading comment without looking at dosage and frequency.

edwangy profile image
edwangy in reply to Icanchangethislater

Oh no it isn't, just have a look at the Benzobuddies site and see how many people are having a terrible time trying to come off diazapam, some of their lives have been ruined by it. After a while people become tolerant to it and it doesn't work anymore. Do your research

Icanchangethislater profile image
Icanchangethislater in reply to edwangy

What dosage and how often were they taking it? You cannot make blanket statements without knowing those facts.

edwangy profile image
edwangy in reply to Icanchangethislater

I am not debating this with you, suit yourself

Weezie99 profile image

Ativan works better for me.

Missus835 profile image

I have been on Clonazepam (same thing almost). Only .5 mg for over 20 years for generalized anxiety. Both my ex-GP (who wouldn't prescribe it for me) and the Rheumy think I should be weaning off of it. I said, "Perhaps I should, but this certainly is not the time" as I was going through a GCA scare and also have PMR. Rheumy relented and send in a script. The GP said he could no longer be my doctor as "he does not believe in benzos", plus he was miffed that she, a lowly woman, would prescribe and I think that was his problem. A misogynist.

Yes! That’s the only thing that works for my diarrhea caused by anxiety. All I need is 1/4 to 1/2 of a .5 mg tablet of clonazepam. I can go months without taking it, depending on what’s happening anxiety wise. It totally cuts the brain-gut connection.

oobadeedee profile image

Good day! I am 71 years of age and have had chronic IBS for 50 years now. I am not able to tolerate antidepressants such as, amyitriptyline for severe gut pain. Due to a severe trauma in my life back in 2016, I was prescribed lorazepam to help me get through a very stressful situation. It was then that I noticed my bowel urgency and gut pain lessened after taking lorazepam.

Initially, I was taking 1mg. as needed up to 3 times a day. Fast forward to today in 2023. I still have the option of taking diazapam when needed only the dosage has been cut back to half at .5mg.

The reason for taking a lower dosage and only when needed, is that the long term usage of Benzodiazepine's such as diazapam and lorazepam, is that they are precursors to dementia and or Alzhiemers. Thought you might want to take that into consideration. Hope this info is if use to you and wishing you better days in your IBS journey. Take care.

Carrjan profile image

yes I have taken it for years - sparingly- and yes the NHS Drs don’t like prescribing it . The young Drs particularly. Luckily my dr is older and he is happy to prescribe it because he trusts me to use it wisely and knows it helps me manage my IBS and my cystitis. I told him I keep records of when I take it and why, although he has never asked to see them. I do worry though about what I’ll do when he retires or if he leaves.

Oscar091 profile image

thank you for replying yes my doctor is still prescribed me 5 mg tablet one a day

Zantecat profile image

Don’t take it, meds make you slave to rhem