I wonder if anyone has similar experience or come across other threads on what I’m experiencing? I’d appreciate any advice as my GP practice is proving unhelpful! My story is:
- I was told I probably had IBS (d) by my GP in approx 2018/19. I just lived with it as an inconvenience and never found out what food upsets me
- In late 2021 I ended up being admitted to hospital with severe jaundice and dehydration as I’d suddenly got a gallstone stuck in my bile duct and needed an ERCP (I had no awareness of my gallstones up until this point. I’m very slim, active, very low cholesterol, 43 years old)
- I then had my gallbladder urgently removed (privately as the NHS wait was too long) in Jan 2022. The consultant said I could eat whatever I liked, no dietary advice was given
- Since then, my side effects have been getting worse. Foods I could eat two months after surgery I could no longer eat five months after surgery. Eg I suddenly reacted badly to chips and had burning across my stomach area and diarrhoea for a week. My GP said this could be bile dump
- Since Oct 22, I’ve developed a mystery illness which I’m guessing is all related to the above. The only way I can describe it is like my body thinks I’ve been starved and am going to faint - ringing ears, shakiness, no energy. This is on and off - some days are worse than others and I can’t work out why. If it’s really bad then my heart races when I walk and my tummy rumbles five mins after a big dinner. These past few days have been bad after I felt sick and had burning across my stomach after a tuna mayo jacket potato..
- obviously having diarrhoea makes this worse, as my body then thinks I’m even hungrier. I don’t know what is IBS-d and what is diarrhoea caused by not having a gallbladder
The GP has tested me for anaemia, diabetes, blood sugar and other standard tests but is not coming up with any other next steps.
I don’t know what to push with them next (as it’s me going along saying “could it be this?”). I feel like my body’s communication system is messed up somehow, but it’s driving me insane. I’m scared to go out in case I feel rubbish. The GP won’t even refer me to a dietitian as “I’m not a frail 90 year old and they’re the only ones eligible to be referred”. Any help would be much appreciated. Apologies this is such a long post! 😆