Has anyone found that peppermint oil tablets help IBS C symptoms (in addition to some medication)
Peppermint oil tablets and IBS C: Has anyone... - IBS Network
Peppermint oil tablets and IBS C

I found they made things worse and I ended up having burps that tastes of peppermint (I hate the taste of peppermint). Ginger tablets work really well for me and there's been some studies that show it's more effective than peppermint.
Peppermint oil is actually too strong for most people. I did try colpamin many years ago, but the increased the incidence of nasty indigestion and reflux, plus it didn't help my tummy, but did cause my anus to sting on vacation, which shows how strong it is. If you suffer GERD then peppering capsules is not for you
I found they gave me almost instant diarrhea so maybe they could be useful for constipation! No use for stomach issues; fresh ginger tea very good for that.
I like peppermint, they are not too strong for me, and i have constipation
I have IBS-C and take 6 Colpermin tablets per day along with a lot of other supplements, laxatives & pro kinetics. I find they help to ease the cramps so allowing the gut to do its job more effectively. I have a lot of trapped wind & I do think they help ease this . But I have taken them for a while .
I take one before I leave the house, it’s helps with the cramps and stops that awful full bloated feeling.
Peppermint oil capsules burned my bum. caused big peppermint belches; not helpful at all.
Yes definitely help me & no side effects.
I thought so at first, but like many here, they ultimately gave me indigestion and burned on their way out. And all in all, I don't think they did all that much - the medication was doing most of the heavy lifting. Peppermint tea does more for me than the capsures, perhaps because of the warm water.