Just need a moan this morning, went to see consultant 2 weeks ago who diagnosed IBS, suggested I try amitryptaline or pregabalin then told me he was going off on holiday for 3 weeks so wouldn’t be able to send a report to my doctor until he was back! I have been I a lot of pain the last couple of weeks & last Wednesday ended up having to ring my doctor because I was bad, I told her about the consultant being away & she said that was ridiculous & they should still be able to send the report so that I could start on the medication. She sent a request for it to be sent. A week later I still haven’t got the meds & doctor hasn’t got the report & I’m still in pain! Why is it so hard these days for anybody to do their jobs have they all forgotten how to work due to COVID! Sorry folks, rant over 😂
Frustrated: Just need a moan this morning, went... - IBS Network

I agree many people seem to using COVID as an excuse to get out of things!
We all need a good moan sometimes. Nobody seems to be able to get any help due to covid. Hope you get sorted soon
My wife is always going on about my food. I can't or can eat, she really has no idea, and refuses to believe the current heatwave upsets my tummy more., tempers are really thin tight now, we need lots of rain to take away the positive bad health ionisation, and replace it with tons of negative irons released from rain splashing on surfaces or waves breaking on the shore. It's frustrating when your partner doesn't understand I can't eat what she can.
I carnt eat what my family can I'm on the fodmap diet so I have to be careful not to eat foods what r not on the list and it's really hard as most of the foods I like r a no no 😒 but I do the cooking so I just adapt foods to what I can have my husband is very supportive and so r my children. I don't know how I would get through some days without there support. Have u sat with ur wife and explained how it makes ur body feel talking helps at the moment we r supporting our teenage son he is a big lad and has decided he needs to loss weight so as a family we have decided to cut out all junk foods and fizzy drinks and try some meat free foods my other son is going to start taking him to a gym aswell we didn't know how he felt until he talked to us so that's what I mean when I say talking is good
I have ibs and a condition called lavender ani syndrome. ( pains in the rectom area ), I rang the Gp yesterday he's not there till Monday , his register has left .I than manage to speak to one of the other Gps at the practice...chocolate tea comes to mind .if you get a drift 🥴.
I totally understand the situation the country is in and respect that there are people worse of than myself..but people like us are side lined .rant over .
I could not agree more.. they think they are a law unto themselves and are doing you a massive favour just talking on the phone to you. And now they have been given a pay rise !!
😕😣 The rest of the NHS deserve bigger rises not just3% but these GP's and Consultants should be paid by the number of patients they treat
God don’t get me going on this sort of thing. I have been on two waiting lists for over a year to see a hospital consultants only to be told they have no idea when my appointment will be because of Covid yet when I have enquired privately (which I can’t afford), the very same consultants can see me next week! Could your gp still prescribe either of those medications without the consultants go ahead? I’ve been prescribed amitriptyline by my gp.
I agree, and it indicates laziness and lack of empathy on the part of the doctor.
I've never heard of Amitryptoline and pregabaline being used for IBS? I've had IBS on and off for 45 years. I tried amitryptoline for another condition and it made my IBS much worse. I've been on a high dose of Gabapentin (very similar drug to pregabalin) for nerve pain for two and a half years and it's never made any difference to my IBS.At one point I was on Omeprazole and that caused excruciating stomach pain. I can't take any of the PPI medications. Some medications can make things worse.
He should have directed you to go on the Fodmap diet and cut out all dairy. Even on the Fodmap diet I can't eat any fruit and only carrots, potatoes and spinach as veg.
Meantime, if you haven't been on the Fodmap diet (There's about it loads on the net) don't eat onions, garlic, greasy or fatty foods, fizzy drinks, alcohol or spicy foods like curry. Hope this helps.
I'm on the fodmap and gluten free I eat same as you but you can also eat green beans parsnip and lettice is nice for the summer. Also lactose free. IF you don't have acid reflux you could try tomatoes.
I can't eat green beans or parsnips they give me stomach pain and wind. I have a couple of lettuce leaves in roll with salmon once a week. I can only eat tinned plum tomatoes and I have those every day mixed with basmati rice. I am dairy, yeast, sunflower oil and dextrose intolerant. The dextrose is more of an allergy and really makes me ill for a week. Because of the yeast intolerance i can only eat one brand of roll. I limit those also. I eat Farleys baby rusks as a biscuit because they put sunflower oils or dextrose in most biscuits.
I would have thought it fell within the GP s brief to prescribe amytryline, a small doze might just help, it's used it differing doses for various complaint s
Yeah, I have had a hard time getting into a few specialist that I really need right now,and concerns for patients has gone down. I also see other customer service has gone down considerably in all areas too. It seems like once people came out of lockdown, no one really wanted to work again. Sorry your having such a hard time getting in and getting the medicine you need and going through this pain. I will pray that you get your meds soon, and find the relief you need.
I'm in the same boat and felt really let down yesterday. I called my surgery after getting no response from my gastro's secretary asking for some sort of pain medication for my cramps that I get with my slow motility because my next appointment with my gastro is not until October and mebeverine is not strong enough, and I have had my diagnosis but it just says will discuss treatment options at my next appointment which is not good enough when I'm in pain and can hardly eat and underweight. The gp just said they have had no instruction from my gastro and she didn't know a lot about slow transit so couldn't help me.......really! So I've got to suffer for another 2 1/2 months now.
I have slow transit bowel and narrowing . I was put on linaclotide or Consttella 290 . It’s the same thing . One a day before a meal you can take it when it suits you morning or night . I t helps with the pain for me but can give som people loose stools . But it might be something to suggest to your gp . It helped me . Look it up on the nhs web site as it will tell you what it does .
Hi, the way my gp was talking is like there is nothing else they can give me without my gastros consent
That’s what myGP said that until I get seen by gastro won’t change my meds ,
It's so frustrating
I received a letter from my doctor today getting a phone call to discuss my treatment. It hard for me on the phone as I’m profoundly deaf and need my husband or son t9 help answer questions . So 3way conversation but she did say I might not see a gastro if my stool sample was clear asim not classed as emergency .so will see what Thursday brings .
Hope you get OK
Fully understand your frustration!Please be careful with pregablin and perhaps look into it before you take it as the side effects can be quite serious
I am also a member of the spinal cord injury association so have a lot of feedback from people on pregablin. Some report swollen hands, feet and tongue . Self harming thoughts are also very common
Had phone call no further forward just to up my laxido to 3or 4sachets a day . Until I see the gastro but pain is really bad I’ve given up phoning as just get same thing . Asked again about getting the scar tissue removed but was told it would cause other problems . So sitting here with hot water bottle and tense machine to help relieve the pain . But every days a struggle but at least we are not alone and can have a rant here and pick up things that might help . Hope you get seen soon .😊
That's awful that they can just leave you in pain, I don't hold out much hope with my treatment going forward. I've since started using partially hydrolyzed guar gum again as I stopped before my test and I've had two movements today and yesterday so I think it helps a bit to clear some stool out, i am still having cramps though and pain. I'm also trying to add more plant based foods in to see if that helps anything...I can but hope! I hope you get some answers with your gastro.
I’ve never heard of that guargum . I’m just passing tarry stools at the moment .just tired and pain eases a bit today but will see how I go tomorrow. You just get fed up with your life revolves round a bm 😟