Dealing with social isolation and anxiety - IBS Network

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Dealing with social isolation and anxiety

Roukaya profile image
15 Replies

Dear All

Given the current climate of uncertainty, this is creating further anxiety for those who already suffer from existing mental health issues

I was already a lonely person prior to this and due to anxiety I have struggled to pass a post graduate exam and find a years work experience

I realise I am beginning to realise some of us who have suffered from distress in the past find it harder to cope

I think this is stress end anxiety and our mindset can create IBS

I wonder during the period of social isolation if anyone would like to keep me company

I have no one in UK just my elderly Mother who lives overseas

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Roukaya profile image
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15 Replies
Merlin8 profile image

Many of us are going to be alone more than ever for a while but it is for the common good. I am compiling a list of jobs to complete at home that normally don’t get done (a deep clean, garden needs a weed and jolly good tidy up) and working on creative things (even with the most basic of resources you can create). Many of the things I have planned aren’t hugely thrilling but it’s important to be occupied.

As there are often other issues that run alongside ibs it’s important to continue to eat healthily and, where possible, get out for some exercise. As long as you follow guidelines about social distancing that is a safe thing to do and good for your mental health.

One thing I’m avoiding is the news and too much social media. I don’t need or want the overload of extra information. I have limited myself to watching the news once in the evening after the government press conference. I have found this to have decreased my stress levels massively this week.

I have noticed that the response to the posts on this site have decreased which I would think is down to everyone trying to get their head round this new normal. Maintain contact with your mother and actively communicate with who you can. We are all in the same situation and thinking and feeling the same things to a greater or lesser degree.

We all are going to have to be proactive in looking after ourselves at the moment.

Take care and keep safe

Iesgobdafydd profile image

Hi Roukaya, I feel for you and I'd like to help, at the same time I'm an introvert and living in a small house with three other people here all day so I'm not sure I'm the right person to spend time with you since there must be a whole lot of people in a similar position to you in this situation we're in who really need your company. I assume you're looking for online company rather than face to face, and people might find it easier to respond if you can be a bit more specific about what you're asking - for example as an introvert with social anxiety I find speaking on the phone or on video chat stressful, especially with new people, whereas I am much more comfortable using text chat; my partner is the exact opposite, as someone who is more of an extrovert he doesn't find text chat very satisfying and finds video chat much better.

Have you talked with the old age charity you volunteer with about the possibility of using their network for this? They might be able to put you in touch with some people who need more social contact, like you do.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Iesgobdafydd

Thank you for reply

I have learnt that I am lonely and now I realise this is because I have put the health and well being of my elderly parents ahead of mine

Being an only child I have no choice

I have anxiety issues and also an Introvert

We are all going through uncertain times so I will be careful what I post in case I become a source of annoyance and a burden to others

No prob my dear! It's all gonna be good if we isolate. Will chat anytime u need it stick with it you'll be good xx

Roukaya profile image

Dear Brain box

Thank you for your time and understanding

I hope you are keeping safe and well

I think it will take time to accept and adjust

But I knew this was coming and I had made provisions

I also have great cocern for my elderky mother overseas and it is health I worry for

I will have no choice but to comply given the spread of the virus

It is just the uncertainty of wondering if I will see my Mother

Thank you for listening

TheSufferingOnes profile image
TheSufferingOnes in reply to Roukaya

I suffer from extremely severe IBS pain and it has been made much worse lately. The enforced isolation and the worry over a close elderly friend living alone in another town are causing me enormous distress. Not having any friends or family living nearby isn't exactly helping the situation.

It's all so depressing. I feel your pain so to speak.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Roukaya

Thank you for reply.

The loneliness and isolation will take its toil from those who already suffer from mental health anxiety.

I suffer from IBS and it is always flarred up due to stress and diet

I live on my own, my neighbours are hostile as they are resentful that I own my flat and they are tenants housed by social housing as a priority

I have always suffered from anxiety, depresxion depression and OCD but I am a Muslim and we are told to have faith and after hardship comes ease.

I try to speak to my Mother as she is overseas but I would always complain and compare myself to others

The crisis has been useful for me to give thanks for what I have and if I am able to get through this situation, I am prepared to start again from scratch my post graduate diploma and finding a work experience placement at the age of fifty,

It is agonising to see the news everyday in UK as well as Mauritius but very important to be patient in this silent storm which is impacting the whole world

Clarrisa profile image

Thank you for sharing your feelings. I coped earlier by using a lot of distraction away from my house but that is no longer a option for me. I can no longer use this coping mechanism. Intellectual I know better coping strategies like exercise, but during the transition (to required staying at home) I find it easy to get caught up in fears.

I liked what the governor of Ohio, Mike De Wine said recently: “We will get through this. ... The sun will come out and shine upon our state, our beautiful Ohio.”

In times like this we need faith. That is what I am lacking. Have faith!

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Clarrisa

I agree wholeheartedly

I live by myself and my Mother overseas

I hope you are well

U.K. has imposed a lock down for three weeks and I realise it is for our own protection

As with you my external coping mechanisms have been removed but it is true a sacrifice for our health

It is right also to have faith that we God Willing will hopefully come out of this situation and see the light

Have you been able to find other distractions to enable you to get through this period

Stay safe

Clarrisa profile image
Clarrisa in reply to Roukaya

Yes, I am swimming in other distractions. My house is full of half finished projects that I have started over the years & never completed. Now is a good time to finish a few of of them for a change. For example, I have always intended to sew but just need to sit myself down & start.

It reminds me of Winston Churchill’s book entitled Painting as a Pastime. He says he stood in the beginning outside in his garden before a blank canvas unable to make any mark on it with his paints.

The wife of a friend of Winston dropped by & witnessed him struggling to begin his painting. She grabbed the brush from his hands, if I remember correctly & splashed a bold starting mark across his canvas. From there he was able to begin his paintings! He was somehow freed to start his exportation of oil painting from that point on. He just could not begin from a entirely blank slate.

Sometimes it seems we need some help breaking the ice so to speak. You sound very close to your mother. My mother painted abstractly for a few years, but I never thought to ask her what her paintings were of! I guess I thought it might be too insulting to ask when I was younger. I regret this now because I do not know what these abstractions I saved are of.

I regret also not jotting down our family tree that my mother could rattle off the top of her head. Now might be a good time for you to write down any favorite recipe or whatnot of your mother’s. Because you live away from her it might be possible to capture some keepsake letters from her. That would put your distance to such a great advantage.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Clarrisa

Dear Clarissa

I thank you for a very well written post

I live alone but I was in shock with the announcement of the Lock Down

But essentially it is imperative to safeguard our health from this silent threat

I miss my Mother and she lives alone in Mauritius following her separation from a very turbulent marriage

Winston Churchill himself said never never give up

We shall never surrender

May be I should apply such inspirational words to carving out my own little life after the loss of my Father

I am trying to obtain a Post Graduate Diploma in Wills and Probate and I missed the pass mark by a few marks

Lesson learnt that I should apply myself more

Getting started again like the painting

You have much wisdom and appreciation of my plight

I hope you keep safe and well and I would be pleased to hear how to get on with your daily life

Clarrisa profile image
Clarrisa in reply to Roukaya

Yes, I would be pleased to let you know how I’ve muddled along in the future. It is during times like this not having parent figures closer at hand (in-spite of any or all of their sort comings) seems to add even more to one’s feelings of loneliness. However, it sounds like most folks are avoiding visiting their parents at this time for everyone’s safety & wellbeing.

As I recall didn’t it take John F. Kennedy, Jr. three tries to pass his law degree test? And he could afford to use all the private assistance in the world he wanted studying for them no doubt. The wisest instructor I had said to eat really well ... chicken & other foods that will help your higher brain functions. He also said to be sure to exercise daily, if that is still possible for you to do now.

If exercising is not a option, I once heard a young woman talk about her experience having Guillain-Barre Syndrome. She was on a ventilator unable to move her body for weeks on end. So she practiced her tennis strokes daily in her mind! She fully recovered by the way & became a formidable tennis opponent.

Loneliness & anxiety has been my stumbling block too, but we shall over come & yes, never give up!

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Clarrisa

Dear Clarissa

I think you for such a beautifully written article full of inspiration and hope

How do you cope given the self isolation of the Lockdown

I have read with great admiration the two inspiring characters you have mentioned

The Tennis player is quite incredible from being on a Ventilator to becoming a Tennis Champion

We are all going through immense change and we turn inward to focus on what we can do

I hope that you keep and I appreciate your kind words of encouragement

Kind Regards

Amy615 profile image

Sure roukaya.. in india ..j feel the same..unable to go out i feel v suffocated and my fights with my hus has increased so much...n i feel so bad after here for

Roukaya profile image

Good morning

Very kind words indeed

I live on my own and I live in a small flat

I grew up in a household by which my Father now gone was arguing and fighting almost every week

In the end my Mother resettled back in Mauritius and I remained in Uk

In my Fathers old age I cared for him and as an only child I find myself more alone than ever

I can identify with the fights which your husband as I grew up with this

It is hard but try not to give in to the fights

Try not to let him over power you

It is very very hard but with patience and sacrifice hopefully by Gods grace this situation will pass as painful as it is today

I am alone in U.K. my Mother alone in Mauritius

All I can do is pray and ask God for courage and strength

So lonely and isolated but try to see beyond the issues of your husband

Take care and stay safe

Please keep in touch

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