Disappointed that my entire post was removed, due to pictures being deemed undesirable.To be honest a verbal description would not have serve me well, in getting the desired answers. And as per your response to see my GP, I have seen my GP, aswell as several other specialists with no avail. Or any conclusions reached on what my condition might be. Which is why I sought out this site in the first place. I apologize if my poop photos offended the page administrator or any of the readers. I mistakenly did not completely read the posting rules for this forum, and missed the rule about posting what was considered obscence photos of poop. This is clearly not the forum for me to ask honest questions about my particular health concerns and I will seek another. For those who responded to my question, Thank You! your responses were much appreciated. 😊
White mucus on poop, IBS or something more ser... - IBS Network
White mucus on poop, IBS or something more serious post! IBS SYMPTOMS bowel pictures not acceptable to post? Really?!?

Sorry to hear that. I used to get mucus like that and it accompanied years of stomach pain and the runs. It turned out to be an intolerance to lactose and all dairy. Doctors, even specialists tend to ignore intolerances. If you take it of your diet for a month you might feel a lot better. Remember to check all food ingredients for it as it can be hidden as when powder etc. If that doesn't work try excluding wheat. Hope this helps.
One thing to think about, the top intolerances are dairy, wheat and yeast. But you can be intolerant to anything, it's trial and error in to ding out what it is. I have I tolerences to dairy, yeast, sunflower oil, dextrose, onion, garlic and soya. Good luck
I think dairy could be the culprit, but I am sure cutting out dairy would be so hard for me, do you have any suggestions for someone who really loves cheese? What did you replace your dairy with?
There are vegan alternatives to cheese, but you have to ask yourself, do you want bad IBS or cheese. I know it's hard but you have to do it for your healths sake. If not eatimg cheese, butter, drinking milk clears up the bad symptoms, then isn't it worth it? If you stop with the cheese remember to check all ingredients in your food including whey powder and lactose. Margerines contain milk so go for olice oil or sunflower ones. Don't forget chocolate has milk so if you want chocolate go for as dark as you can get. If you like cheese on pizzas get vegan ones. Be strong. You can do it.
I missed out of the pics.. not that I really wanted to.see but wanted to see if similar to me. I've had constant white mucus on stool since Nov. And on and off blood ... have u had tests yet
To be honest that's exactly why I posted pictures. For me it was a comparison issue, wanting to know if this what others are experiencing. Sometimes even good descriptive words can not do as much justice as a photo. I had a few test for bacterial infections and IBS. The concluded years back that I had H.Pylori and IBS, gave me antibiotics and I forget what for the IBS. My doctor hasn't run any new tests just told me eat more yogurt with live cultures and more fiber. He didn't want the pictures or a sample. I have requested a new doctor. My original doctor who was our family doctor for years and delivered three of my kids went to the Miltary.
I don't get white mucus on my poop. I actually find looking at such photos fascinating, plus it can give a comparison to what others maybe experiencing. I must say I wouldn't personally put one of mine on here but I do think people are brave that do. I think it's wrong that it's been removed to be honest, as what you're experiencing, others may relate to and perhaps feel more comfortable knowing that they're not on their own with this type of problem. I didn't see the photo but there are loads of others on here so why has yours been removed??
Was it really really gross

Hi there,
Apology accepted.
This is a supportive community, not a medical community. We cannot diagnose based on your photos. And, as you mentioned, these types of images do offend people.
If you are concerned please show your photos to your GP.
We're currently updating our guidelines to make it clear that posting pictures of your poo is really not acceptable in this forum.
If you need help and advice we are here. theibsnetwork.org