Hello , my husband has just been diagnosed with diverticular disease.
Can you tell me what food he should be avoiding apart from seeds ?
Many thanks
Hello , my husband has just been diagnosed with diverticular disease.
Can you tell me what food he should be avoiding apart from seeds ?
Many thanks
Hi! I have diverticular disease as well but so far I can eat what I like but have to go easy on the tomatoes. I avoid a few other things as I have IBS (such as onions, curries,peppers etc)
I was advised to have a low fibre diet but everyone is different and to date I only had one bout of diverticulitis but it eased after a few days. Suggest your hubby finds out by trial and error what makes him feel uncomfortable
Hey pauline , i have ibs and im experiencing lower left pain .. does this indicates diverticular? .. i do massage directly when my ibs is flared up and my abdomen is bloated..i feel
Much better directly after massage ..but still my left abdomen takes to long to heal..
When I had a bout of this I just ate very plain food for quite a long time. Chicken, Salmon, Mashed Potatoes, white bread, creamed soups, honey, no spicy food. I had terrible diarrhoea so with it which could have been IBS so I was ultra careful not to eat anything that was going to make things worse. I cut out all vegetables for a while too to give my stomach a rest. It was a very boring diet but it was better than upsetting my stomach all the time. Your husband will discover what suits him and what is best to avoid. Thankfully it does clear up and I can now eat more or less what I want. I hope he gets on all right.