Hi everyone does the bloat ever go away!!
Bloat: Hi everyone does the bloat ever go away!! - IBS Network

Unfortunately I too have lots of bloating, and sometimes can last for 2 days or more.
Peppermint tea does help, also bicarbonate of soda 1 teaspoon in warm water.
Hope this helps.
If you stop all alcohol, fizzy drinks, peanuts, sweetcorn, Brussel sprouts and baked beans, you will give yourself the best chance of reducing the bloatedness. Unfortunately, you may have to add some other foods, if you find they upset you as well.
Whatever you are eating is fermenting inside you, causing gas. Cut out the stuff that is fermenting. Try
Peppermint tea
Low Fodmap diet
fodmap stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. I can't eat wheat, milk, onions garlic apples etc

There's more info about bloating available on our website. theibsnetwork.org/bloating/
I too suffer with bloating. I've had it for months now! It's so embarrassing because I look pregnant and my tops can't even hide it. I have never drank fizzy drinks and I dont drink caffeine etc I literally drink water and that's all. I'm going to give the fodmap a go but it's pretty overwhelming as to where to start. I hope you find your triggers and your digestion improves soon.
Hey Chefboy2478. My doctor wasn't very empathetic to my situation at all. She printed out a list of low fod map foods and sent me on my way! The annoying thing is she gave me these meds "to help" but I have ibs-d and they have laxatives in them. I literally have no idea why she prescribed them to me. I live in NZ and its extremely expensive going to the docs and healthcare/alternative care is insanely expensive. You literally have to be dying to get referred to hospital or to see specialists. I'm avoiding gluten and dairy which I know isnt enough so I'll have to really up my game and do research as to where to go from here. All the best to you x
Hi! My doctor suggested I try peppermint capsules, and I have found these to be really effective. I dont get constant bloat, because i try to watch what i eat, but sometimes I dont know whats caused it. I didnt have much belief in these tablets, but the actually do seem to releave me within about half an hour of taking them! Maybe speak to your pharmacist.