So I got a job was meant to be placed 10 min drive from me one of the reasons I chose it so now I’m having to travel 30 mins on bus and 15 on train + what ever walking time is in between and people aren’t getting how anxious this is making me. People tell me to suck it up but it isn’t that simple, what if I am ill and don’t say well what if you go and it’s fine Yh great but that isn’t the main concern
Travel anxiety: So I got a job was meant to be... - IBS Network
Travel anxiety

Why don't you have the journey, prior to starting work, and note all the places you can use the loo, on the way? (McDonalds, getting shops, supermarkets, cafes, doctors' surgeries, etc). That should, at least remove your main concern.
Agree with FReedman also appreciate anxiety is a big problem for most IBS sufferers but if you prepare eg, radar key, emergency kit you can do it and get to work where there will always be a loo waiting for you.
Don’t have a radar key and can’t get one we tried when I was like 15 but Yh it doesn’t take away from the embarrassment you know

Please visit our website for information on IBS including managing anxiety, and IBS and work
Oh this is me so bad I can only work from home. I had a three day conference to attend recently with two overnights in a hotel. I literally ate Imodium tablets to slow bowel movement down. I so get you. I have a fear of public toilets too as it can get messy and noisy I need total privacy to be able to go. I don’t travel unless I have to so sorry to hear your pain good luck.
What I normally try to do is stick to safe food for the few days before going food I know I can eat without upsetting me these r very few that upset me because mine is anxiety driven but I stay away from thing like spice, coffee ect known irritants of my stomach and the stomachs of many also keep on top of meds if you take them they will have a knock on effect take them all well Monday to Thursday Friday should have the full effects of the meds (or that’s how my brain work) I also have a CBD oil pen that I have occasionally
Just an update for anyone who cares I lost that job because there wasn’t any vacancies even tho I got given the job but I got another one! It’s closer then the other one so more money less anxiety how did something go so wrong to so right
Hope you are happy in your new job and they are treating you well.

Yh me too I’m not quite sure what it is but it’s more money then I was getting so I’m not complaining
K x
When do you start? x

2nd of October I’m really excited but got a lot to do before