Does anyone have any successful tips on how to... - IBS Network

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Does anyone have any successful tips on how to stop eating junk food?

3 Replies

I'm a live to eat kind of person. I'm a big food lover but for all the wrong foods that I know are not good for my ibs. Does anyone know how I can resist the temptation and make it a bit easier? Can anyone else relate?

3 Replies
Katie98 profile image

Hey, I feel your struggle haha . I've had stomach issues for 2 years ish ( maybe IBS, colitis, malabsorption still pending lol). And I got diagnosed with food intolerances (gluten, dairy and egg) and I do low fodmap. I've also struggled with eating disorders over the years. I use to restrict my diet to maintain a size 6ish but when I went to university I developed an unhealthy habit of binge eating (I hate starting a food and then leaving it- I just have to finish it aha). But then I got really sick with my stomach and went down to 6'12 from the 9st 5 I reached at university. My health improved for a bit and I was extremely strict with my food to not upset my symptoms (tiny portions, writing down everything and limiting snacks, trying to hit my 5 a day). And because of my ibs (which I found out TODAY might be colitis) and the attention I paid to food I was still obsessed even when I wasn't eating that much, I felt in control of my eating and my symptoms to an extent. But I started to get sick again regardless of eating low fodmap etc... and I've been heading in a bad way for a while but definitely in the last month or so. And atm I'm home alot because of my symptoms which are there even if I don't eat a single thing so I found myself binging on freefrom chocolate snacks, ice cream and whatever sweet stuff I could find in the house. And having nothing to do but focus on my symptoms I find that food is my best friend because it cheers me up for a bit but then is my worst enemy afterwards because of the guilt of shame from over eating.

For me I'm stuck because I feel so bad even when I eat 'perfectly' I want to eat like we think everyone without tummy issues can and just enjoy food without worrying about weight (for me) and symptoms. I'm starting to gain a hold on it now. I know that if I want to get better a good diet will help even if my symptoms arent exactly ibs, but a good diet is going to help me again because it did for a time (alongside the right medication). The only advice I can give is eat little and often. So if you want a big chocolate bar (insert food of preference aha) then go for it but leave 2 hours in between each serving? That way your stomach has time to settle? But most importantly you cant be perfect with your diet its not realistic. Go for treats that are as gut and fodmap (if you follow it) friendly as you can (e.g dark chocolate over milk chocolate). I think that sometimes because we avoid food because of our symptoms there is more temptation for us for NICE good because food is supposed to be pleasurable but for sufferers of tummy issues that isnt the case. Keep busy. Don't try and be too controlled because it makes the temptation even worse (in my case) and allow yourself to enjoy what you want just leave some time in between servings.

Sometimes the freefrom options are better for sufferers (not containing lactose, gluten etc...) but that isn't all the case because they might contain soy or dates or the hundreds of things we shouldnt eat. But there are some products that might be easier on you but be sure to read the label. Somethings we think we can't eat we can in much smaller servings (but better than nothing) and just google as many substitutes for your triggers.

I started cooking from scratch when I starting to get sick. So you can take your favourite meals and recipes and adjust them to what you can tolerate. I found it easier because ironically when I was cooking I wasn't eating and when it came to the meal I felt more satisfied. And sometimes two small servings a few hours apart rather than one big serving can help curb cravings. If you're a foodie making your own food when time allows and making it fun and something that takes time might help to resist your cravings. These are the only tips I can think of. I bet you already know alot of what I said but if nothing else you're not alone.

Good luck!x

nomoreibsc profile image
nomoreibsc in reply to Katie98

Great advice. Thank you. I too fall off the healthy food wagon due to my sweet cravings. I get frustrated that I can't eat what everyone else is eating but learned the hard way to avoid food triggers. Even freedom food is an issue as I have gluten, dairy and egg intolerance as well as issues with corn, buckwheat, lectins, meat, chicken etc so my food choices are quite narrow. Trying the keto diet. Find it helps me to feel so much better but always hungry on it. This site really helps me to stay motivated and heal. Thank you all x

Lilagrace87 profile image

I would say trying to keep yourself full on ‘healthier’ foods, so then you’re not as hungry and less likely to give in to temptations, I find not having it in the house also helps.

I tend to eat every 3-4 hours, smaller meals, so it feels as though I’m eating all the time and I’m rarely hungry. Allow yourself some treats though, can’t deprive yourself completely.

An example of my daily food is;

7-8am Egg white (I buy the two chicks carton) scrambled with ham and tomato.

10-11am Porridge (either oats or rice flakes), toppings vary, fruit, yogurt, peanut butter, almond butter, nuts, seeds, jam.

1-2pm - salad, fish or meat with a smallish baked potato, sweet potato, rice or pasta.

4pm - yogurt and frozen fruit (it’s like having ice cream - I recommend) a drizzle of a syrup of some sorts.

7pm - fish or meat, mix of veg and again a carb choice like for lunch.

9pm - I’m addicted to porridge so I have another smaller portion then.

I don’t count calories but I used to, all this food tends to be around 1500-1800 (depending on sauces, toppings etc used, as it can really vary and add calories on).

I hope this helps x

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