Hi all, any one an expert on yoghurt. I am lactose intolerant, and would like to find a good quality yoghurt that has added bio bacteria. I have read that ordinary Greek yoghurt would be OK to eat as most of the lactose has been lost in processing. Any thoughts.
Bio yoghurt: Hi all, any one an expert on... - IBS Network
Bio yoghurt

Hello Bigbunbun3,
You may be ok with Greek Yoghurt because the cultures used to make the yoghurt use up most of the lactose to make lactic acid, which gives yoghurt its sour taste. It is worth checking the label for 'carbohydrates - of which sugars'. Some sugar will remain and this is lactose. In plain yoghurt, as an example, full fat plain Greek Yoghurts claims around 4g of sugar per 100g. This is quite low. You may find a level that you can tolerate if you look at some different brands. So I suppose it is like many of these things for this group, it's a case of trial and error. You might also like to try Skyr or Labneh. It is still worth reading the label to make sure your yoghurt isn't thickened with gums or starches and bear in mind that low fat yoghurts often have a lot of added sugar so can be high in total carbohydrates, making it hard to work out how much sugar is actually lactose.
Proper authentic Greek yogurt (not "Greek Style yogurt") such as Total is strained until the protein content is higher than ordinary yogurt and most of the lactose has gone. It is also naturally "bio".
Yes I would be interested to know this
Hi Most of the big supermarkets sell a yogurt made by Arla which is lacto free and also Tesco do a range of plain and flavoured yogurts under lactose free label. I have found these are OK for me as I cannot tolerate lactose. I also use the lactose free milk and my husband cannot tell the difference between that and ordinary milk. Hope this helps
Hi Babsywabsy, binks and carolnorrington, thank you for your very helpful replies. I have been purchasing a supermarket brand of lacto free yoghurt, but unsure of the content of the bio cultures, I think the ones you recommend will be a better option, as you mentioned just trial and error how well I tolerate them 🐰
Sainsbury's do a good range of Lacto free and Gluten free products in their chilled section.
I bought a strawberry flavoured coconut yogurt with added bio bacteria which very nice.
Most of the other supermarkets have Lacto free products but not as good a range as Sainsbury's.
Hi Little_toad ( I do like your name ). Yes, I do have a Lactase tablets, but I don't really want to keep taking them. I have purchased Fage Total Greek yoghurt to try . I have been reading Dr Michael Mosley's book " The clever guts diet, he recommends trying a good quality live and full fat yoghurt, as may not have so much lactose as milk due to the fermenting process.
Hi Little_toad, thank you for your reply. A long time ago I tried a digestive enzyme, but did not help me. I do use lactase though. I have seen many nutritionists, but after spending so much money, I have given up with that line of inquiry. Just keep trying different things, still after over 20yrs still have no idea what wrong with my tummy. At the mo just trying more probiotics and eating tolerated Prebiotics to see if that may help. Not long ago had a Colonscopy, which seemed clear, going back in 5 weeks for another appointment, I think we are going to try Prucalopride to see if that might help my IBS-C. Just out of interest which three digestive enzymes are you taking? 🐰