Hello, I have got myself a job an it is my first ever job but I am doing night shifts as I know that's when my IBS isn't as bad. But next week I have to be in 8am -2 I am so anxious invade I have a flare up it will be so embarrassing an I feel like they will think they have made a mistake by hiring me, thanks for your help.
Can someone give me advise please😃: Hello, I... - IBS Network
Can someone give me advise please😃

Just be honest with them!! Who knows? They n
May have it!!! Millions of people have it but don't talk about it!!
I agree tell them the truth... I told my supervisor and she was fine with it...her family members have the same issues
It's. A condition , you can take medication that will get you through your shift, but my advice would be see your G P and be checked out for acid bile malabsorption this is when your gallbladder or liver creates to much acid this then does not get absorbed in the intestine which then causes water and loose diaorreia there is three medication that then can prescribed what will make your life nearly normal again and just use the amount that suites you might even be half a shachet every other day given you confidence to go out
I have never heard of that before I will book another appointment soon, thank you I just want to feel normal again everyday is a nightmare x
If you look up B A M you can read all about it Coventry hospital is doing studies on it you can also look up medication colestyramaine and see people's review on this medication, like I said before you might only need to take small amount each day but it will make a massive change to your life also may I suggest try cutting down on fat intake hope this helps ,