Does going through the menopause cause constipation.
Menopause: Does going through the menopause... - IBS Network
Thanks xxxPandoraxxx
so will drinking herbal tea help me empty my bowls along with drinking water is that what you mean?.
Going though the menopuse causes many digestive problems - it has for me. You must eat very healthily and drink plenty of water. Also I found adding organic flaxseeds to my diet helps with constipation. (I buy the ground flaxseeds and add to food). For me, the hot flushes has impacted on my ability to get a good night sleep and this plays havoc with my digestive health.
I think so yes. Having suffered all my life with IBS D I suddenly find these last few years I get blocked up and have right side pain at night and need laxatives. I hope it will pass when menopause is over but have been suffering for 4 years already
Personally speaking, I think the menapause causes all sorts of issues with guts, joints & muscles.... Not o mention emotions 😣
Hi AGood,
I igree I seem to be having joint pain my legs feel heavy my muscles are stiff I just don't feel myself at all, I wish I was a man at times,
women have to go through so much and the menopause is awful I hate it, my Dr has given me HRT but I am quite scared to take it as it can cause blood clots breast cancer and a whole list of other illness, not that I want to scare anyone but it's the truth,
as women we just can't win, we just have to stay strong and get on with life, the menopause has made me feel like am another person , I used to be so full of energy always felt healthy and since I have been going through the menopause my health just seems to be failing me I just can't seem to get my energy levels up I am having problems with confidence plus I can never go the toilet due to constipation and the list goes on.
rant over sorry for going on but it's true as women we have to go through a lot because we have a womb and crazy hormones.
Anyone who is going through the menopause I wish you well and hope it's not as bad as what I am going through.
Sending you an airwave hug. You are not alone in this. I stopped my conventional HRT as I felt mad as a box of frogs while taking it and for some reason my anxiety seemed at fever pitch while I was using it. We are all different though and I have friends who get on great with it. I chose to try a plant based HRT for a and I felt better for a while but I've now stopped using this too. I can be very sensitive to medications 🙁. Have a think about going back to your dr and discussing all of your concerns, sometimes just knowing I wasn't going mad was a big help. I do use magnesium oil, It's really good for sore muscles and a host of other things. If you're in the uk Holland & Barret sell it. Soaking in a warm bath with a good dose of Epsom salts in is good too as it contains lots of magnesium. Vitamin D mouth spray has also been a big help to me.
Keep on posting if you need or want to. I've found the people on this site have such a wealth of knowledge and lots of patience. X
I`ve had ibsd on and off for most of my adult life but since menopause 3 years ago it has definitely switched to being mainly ibs c. I mentioned this to my gp who didn`t think there was a link - and to a consultant who thought that there probably was!
I find also have constipation problems since going through the menopause, I also found that I have become lactose intolerant , I have had to give up many foods that make me bloat, its quite depressing . But I did find that detox tea helped quite a bit