I have been forced to give up on NHS, need help with my low FODMAP diet and am looking for a private dietician in London to give me support and some private intolerance testings. Anyone have any good contacts/suggestions?
IBS: I have been forced to give up on NHS, need... - IBS Network

ukdietician.co.uk is where I found mine.
I have the York test then had testing from the allergy department at the hospital which gave very different results I had my on a offer I don't think I'd be pleased with the results if I'd paided full price.
The best way to find out what affects you is by elimination process, I also find with ibs it goes in cycles to how well you are so currently I can eat bread but when I have a bad espisode I have to cut bread out
Have you ask your gp to refer you to a dietian at the hospital my consultant referred me and they can give advice of the fod map , I also downloaded the app. It's a very limiting diet so make sure you take vitamins
I am having the same issues. Desperate to find what my triggers are and not sure whether to try the York Test. Has anyone else tried it? Would hate to spend that amount of money and find that it's unreliable.
Did the York test too much encouragement to spend further money. Result not conclusive or helpful. Others on this site have said the same. Elimination obviously makes sense but not always clear result and changeable. Intolerance testing is the most helpful I am sure if you can get it. Not easy.
Contact Guy's Hospital or King's College Hospital Dieticians and ask if they will see you as a direct referral.
Hi Woodgut, why have you given up, can't you get a referral to a FODMAP trained dietician on the NHS?
I see Linda at Castle Street Clinic, Guildford,- it's not London of course, but not too far by train and she is brilliant has helped me get my life back. Good luck with it all. Very good website.
I would love to get some info. from you. How do I send you a private message with my email address. I would appreciate any help. I have had a time with ibs-d.