Can the pain from IBS always be in the same sp... - IBS Network
Can the pain from IBS always be in the same spot on and off for years on the right upper abdomen or is it most common on left side?
I've had the pain on the upper right side for 2 years now (tests show nothing so far) but no Doctor has given an explanation.
Has anyone been told anything about this?
I too have mostly upper right pain. Drs not given an explanation (apart from just IBS) but I had a CT last year and the nice radiologist gave me a CD copy. I realised looking at it that I get a lot of gas in that area (shows up as black) and to me that explained it. It may not be the same for you but if you have had a CT, ask for a copy, I was surprised but in short the areas in my abdo that were black are the areas I get the most pain and the size of the area was in proportion to the amount of pain I get there.
From my own research some scientists have suggested that upper right pain may indicate a small intestine bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) - its a simple hydrogen breath test to see if you have this. Gall bladder and Liver problems can be associated with upper right pain but you would have some changes in your stools (colour etc) that indicate problem with these other than pain. If there is a change in your stools when you get the increase in pain prob worth just checking out with your GP - he or she will know what to look for in each case.
Try not to worry or think that your IBS has to match everyone else's otherwise it might be something more serious - the fact that there is so much variation in us IBS's from D to C or A and it can change over time makes it all very difficult for Drs never mind us to understand.
My pain was ALWAYS in the same spot lower left ab. Dates from the preparation for a colonoscopy that I had 10 years ago. IBS-C aggravated by PD. Low FODMAPS diet has been a lifechanger.
hi I have been getting pain on right side for over 20 years not continuousness comes in bouts . there are no definitive symptoms for IBS thats just a tag used for unexplained stomach, intestine and bowel problems when doctors dont know what the cause is. insist on getting all test done before you settle for IBS . Trisha [Ireland]
i strongly support that last statement, i accepted a diagnosis of ibs a year ago and it has not helped what so ever. the more i read, the more i realise just how superficially the doctors looked into my problems. far too easily they put me into the ibs box without really trying to find out what was causing my symptoms. i suppose that they don't believe the symptoms to be that serious and so not worth the effort. but they are to me! i am now in the process of pushing for further tests and will continue to do so until i find a real cause. it is not normal to be in pain every day, or to feel sick, or to sleep 20 hours a day for three days straight despite sleeping 7-8 hours a night, etc etc.
no one should accept a diagnosis of ibs until every other possibility has been checked out in depth. otherwise, you have no chance of getting better.