endo help, don’t know what to do. - The Endometriosis...

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endo help, don’t know what to do.

Saharnia profile image
1 Reply

O have suffered with what I was told was ibs since my teens. I was diagnosed with endo a few years ago after they removed a 14cm cyst and found endo on my umbilical (not sure what the scientific term is) once it was removed, the pains were not as bad. They also had to remove one of my ovaries due to the cyst being attached and basically my ovary wasn’t where it was supposed to be!

Around a year later the pains started to get worse again and have continued to do so. Lower back pain, pain in my abdomen and pelvic region, I get the worst aching pain in my legs and recently have started bleeding with bowel movements. I’m often constipated so put the last symptom down to that, but now I’m not sure!

All the doctors do is give me pain medication, I’m in agony when I’m due on my period and sometimes when I’m ovulating. Also have heavy bleeding.

I don’t know what to do, the pain meds either don’t work or I have to take really strong ones that make me drowsy and out of it. I work with kids and have had to take time off so I’m worried about my job.

Doctors just ask me if I’m trying to conceive y (we have been trying for 10yrs) and when I say yes, they give me more pain medicine. Just so fed up!

Sorry if this doesn’t make sense, I’m a bit groggy on cocodamol.

Not sure what I’m asking really- is there any help?

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Tigerlily34 profile image

My story is kind of similar. In my teens I was told I have IBS and whenever I went to the doctor asking for help with chronic pain and fatigue they'd give me a blood test and find nothing wrong. I was told there was probably no cause to my pain and sometimes this is something young women experience 🤦. Talk about medical gaslighting!From then on , I stopped seeking medical advice because I knew it was useless. In my twenties the pain around my periods was unberable and I found ibuprofen was no longer helping. I changed GP practice and asked for stronger pain relief for my period pains. That's when the doctor suspected endometriosis. I take co codamol and naproxen. I found that I experience more fatigue when taking co codamol than naproxen. Maybe you could try naproxen?

I also found that taking pain relief before the period starts helps ALOT. Take pain relief before 1-2 days before the period and continue for 1-2 days after the period starts.

I find I can function properly and have less fatigue.