Hi everyone,
It's my first time posting here as I've just started the process of being diagnosed with endometriosis.
I came off birth control in October and my first period off the pill I had very light bleeding for a few days before my actual period began. I guess it was like faint blood in my discharge (sorry for the TMI). I've had this every period since.
I also started to get twinging pain around my left ovary, which got worse to the point where it felt like a large ball was in that area putting pressure on everything. I've had stabbing pains in that same area on and off every month for a week before until the end of my period since October. Twice I've had that intense pressure feeling while walking to work, which lasts a few hours and is very uncomfortable,
I have a hospital appointment with a gyneacologist who thinks it's endo as I have pain during sex sometimes and I also get a sharp shooting pain in that area around my left ovary when passing a bowel movement.
Last night I woke up to go for a pee and when I went back to bed I had an intense stomach cramp for over half an hour. It felt as if the left side of womb was being squeezed tightly and the pain went to my butt. Today that side of my womb still hurts but not as bad and I was wondering if this is a sign of endo as well as everything else I have described?
Thank you for reading my post.