Hi I've been living with endometriosis for what seems like forever, I'm almost 27 and I had my diagnostic laparoscopy in 2018. I had stage 2 endometriosis mostly seen on my right ovary, and consistent inflammation seen overall. (Though the pain is unbalanced and feels like I'm being carved like a pumpkin when I'm on my period)
Recently I've been having severe lower back pain when on my period, with this I get bowel movements that have started to feel like a knife is stabbing me in my bottom (Tmi I apologise) fatigue, lack of appetite, nausea, and, although very very rarely, I have blood when I have bowel movements.
I haven't see my consultant since stopping a zoladex injection course that gave me temporary relief from endometriosis for 6mths but it seems back with vengeance. Now 5mths post injections.
My question is this just a GP bowel matter or should I call my gynecologist? They didn't see lesions on my bowel during the lap? Can endo start to affect your bowels? It's been about 4 years post lap. What's the best Diagnostic test for bowel endo? At a loss for what I would even say. What do people do for relief?
Thanks in advance