Hi there, i am new to this forum but have used Healthunlocked forum to chat about underactive thyroid!
Now i have a new problem...here goes...
I am 28 years of age & have two children, for the past few years i have had frequently repeated smear tests, which always indicate abnormal cells & have twice led to coloscopy & have also had a biopsy taken, which also came back 'mild changes.' My last Coloscopy visit was a few weeks ago where i was advised another smear in 6 months, this time at the hospital not at the surgery. I do get some symptoms of cervical cancer, spotting, however my periods are rather regular, i have also had a massive clot recently which was a bit scary! I get lower back pain, which i am booked in with physio for, i also get random abdominal pains & it's quite tender to press my abdomen, also i sometimes get pain during intercourse.
I have found the past two years very stressful with the appointments & then the waiting for results etc, i absolutely detest coloscopy appointments & work myself right up! How invasive! & yes i understand it has to be done, but everytime my smear comes back abnormal?? I certainly hope i don't have to have yet another prodding in 6 months time!!
I guess i am just wanting some advice really, has anyone else been through a similar experience? I am considering private care at the moment as i feel not enough is being done if there is something wrong, i panick sometimes when i look at my two young children, if something was wrong & it was being overlooked? I just get that horrible feeling some days, & then otherdays i feel i am being paranoid & if there was something major they would know right?
Would appreciate immensly any comments anyone has to offer!
Thanks very much,