Hi everyone/anyone! I was diagnosed with pulmonary TB (& a collapsed lung) in April 2019 and currently have 5 weeks of Rifater left before I am due to end my treatment. Up until 2 weeks ago I was feeling great and excited to be back to normal and enjoying life again! But over the last 2 weeks I have found my tiredness/lethargy returning and have a low grade fever on and off, it is possible I might be having the some occasional night sweats too, so I am now feeling a bit worried. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced feeling this way after feeling a lot better? Thank you so much for any thoughts!
Hello, I'm new to this forum...: Hi everyone/anyone... - TB Alert
Hello, I'm new to this forum...

Hi lomogi - how awful for you. I too suffered a collapsed lung and some complications, however slowly I started to recover. From what you are saying, You appear to be displaying a lot of the symptoms you probably began with? So I’m not sure why that is. Have you checked it out with your consultant/ TB nurse? What have they said to you? Are you coughing?
Hi hottchoc, thanks for your message! I love your profile pic by the way, I have two cats myself! To be honest it's taken me a couple of days to come to the conclusion that my tiredness and fever over the last couple of weeks could be the TB coming back/relapsing/whatever. My usual TB nurse is on holiday at the moment so I've contacted another one to chase my latest xray and blood tests (which were about a month ago), I'm still waiting to hear back so thought I'd try google and ended up at this forum. I guess I was just interested to know if anyone else had experienced this towards the end of their treatment. I am not coughing but my cough only cleared up properly about 3 weeks ago so I keep expecting it to come back! Has your lung now reinflated? They told me mine would but I'm waiting for my chest xray to confirm or not.
Thanks lamogi!
It is my left lower lobe and no it hasn’t, I don’t think it will now recover, it’s been too long. It was so damaged and full of holes I have to accept it. But I’m ok a little breathless at times but all in all, very good.
Keep us posted on your results. We are all friends on here! X
Hi hottchoc! I've spoken to my TB nurse and she is not concerned that I may be relapsing as I have responded really well to treatment so far. She thinks that I may just have a viral infection! My lung collapse is upper right lobe and it hasn't reinflated yet which is disappointing but I guess I just have to give it time. It's comforting to know that you are good and only a little breathless at times, as I wasn't sure how life would change without full use of a lung! x
Hi lomogi that is reassuring, but may I suggest you keep a diary of your symptoms because a ‘virus’ can mean many things, so when you see your consultant you can then update her on your daily progress. Then if anything needs to be checked out, it can be stepped on quickly. Unfortunately it’s about being on our guard! Always here to talk x