Hi Folks, even though coroner said TB and heart disease, PHE found mycobacteriumxenopi.Does any one know anything. Within the last 2 years Dad was thought to have lung cancer, HIV, absestosis. Now PHE are saying they found MBX on sputum samples from 2018. Please advise. Thanks
MYCOBACTERIUM XENOPI: Hi Folks, even though coroner... - TB Alert

Hi kitkat looking it up, it says it is the second non- Tuberculosis Bacteria responsible for pulmonary infections. Can be caused by contaminated water or aerosols. I think what it saying, is that this type of bacteria mimics TB? I could be wrong but that’s how I’ve read it x

Hi Kitkat70,
This is certainly confusing and I have to admit that I am no expert on any of these things so I can only speculate. Has there been any confirmation of MTB bacteria as well as the MBX? It could be that both bacteria are similar in the way they cause symptoms and damage tissue, so can only be differentiated in the lab. It could also be that both were present. I know MTB is an opportunistic infection, meaning it takes hold when someone's immune system is under pressure from other illnesses. This is why coroners may describe someone as having died 'with TB' not 'from TB' if another illness is considered to be the primary cause of death. Perhaps MBX also works in this way.
As I say, speculation on my part but hopefully useful directions to consider.
best wishes,