This is my first post so please be patient with me.
At the start of November I began coughing up large amounts of blood. I went to hospital and they said that they think it is a nosebleed further back in my nose. At the start of this month I saw a nose specialist who had a look inside my nose and said they can see 2 points where the blood may be coming from inside my nose. However they said they can't do anything about them as it carries the risk of it becoming worse. They also said I have acid reflux.
I'm the last 3-4 weeks I hadn't coughed uk any blood but today it seemed to start again but it was only a tablespoons worth. I had also had a bronchoscopy earlier this week.
I have also had TB in the past (in 2014)
What could be causing this bleeding based on the fast that I don't think the issue is with my nose.
I am greatful for any clarification.