I am a college-aged student with depression, anxiety, and very low love for my body (history of bulimia). This past summer I was put on Zoloft for my depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, this med made me gain 10-15 lbs (I'm not exactly sure the exact amount). But this did not go well for me due to my past with bulimia.
Here's an update into my past by the way: About 4 years ago I started counting calories because I became hyper-aware of how my body looked compared to others. That was when I was a senior in high school. Freshman year of college made it even worse. During that christmas break, I was diagnosed with mono and couldn't eat for weeks. I lost 25 lbs. I LOVED how I looked. I was so skinny (people thought I looked too skinny at the time). So after that, once I could eat again, I would eat a lot and then throw it up. That kept happening until a few months ago.
Now back to the current problem. Since I gained all this weight, the bulimic thoughts are coming back. I'm not quite sure how to cope with it. I haven't thrown up YET, but I have been restricting my calories... for instance, I'm refusing to eat any carbs. HELP