My ED completely messes up my digestion .. Anyone has any tips to reduce digestive problems (mainly bloating)? Thanks
Digestive problems : My ED completely... - Talk ED (eating d...
Digestive problems
This happens to me too, mainly due to eating high-fibre food such as fruit and veg and not a lot of carbohydrates and protein. I’m sorry to say but the only thing that will correct it is eating regularly and eating variety. Swimming and gentle exercise is helpful too but I would only recommend this is your body is strong enough and that you are eating enough to support your exercise.
I kept using excuses such as I have food intolerances etc but after eating a little more regularly and having some rice, potatoes etc, my tummy is finally flat again.
Good luck
I mainly eat fruit and veggies because I'm not scared of getting fat by eating them... Also protein I eat, stuff like tofu, nuts and seeds.
So you think this is probably the main issues? Not so much the vomiting??
If you are vomiting too then this will also be contributing. Your tummy will be filling with air, and you intestines won’t have food to digest. A trip to your gp would be advisable as you are running the risk of stomachs ulcers. Your stomach will be producing acid leading to bloating. I was put on Omeprazole which helped but this will only be helpful if u keep it down.
Good luck honey xxx