In the last few months, my binge eating and purging is getting serious. It has become a daily occurrence.
Last year I lost so much weight I stopped getting my periods, but that was through restricting food rather than making myself sick. Stopping menstruating scared me into eating more, and I had a good few months of recovery and healthy eating.
I don't know what has shifted but I've started binge eating and making myself throw up regularly. It's more of a compulsive habit than I way of loosing weight. Not wanting to gain weight explains the purging but I'm at a loss as to why I'm binge eating.
I feel like I'm working my way through all the eating disorders. Returning to restricting food feels like the obvious way to stop the binge/purge habit, but I know that's a dangerous route.
I'm looking into some self administered CBT. I've found a good book that might help. Anyone have any experience in this area?