Hi. I am 28 years old and have been in recovery with Anorexia since I was 14.
I cant seem to get over the fact that my constipation is SOOO bad and wondered if anyone else suffers with this, and even better found a solution.
My GP has prescribed me with Macragol, but my Councillor told me that I shouldn't take laxatives as I will come to dependent on them.
I have been taking them for 3 years but REALLY want to stop. I keep relapsing as I will come of them for a week I wont have a BM for few days so Il go back on them!!!
Im still underweight which probably doesnt help. I eat loads of healthy high fiber foods, plenty of Fruit and veg with plenty of water throughout the day. I hardly ever eat any thing unheallthy like Crisps, chocolate or cakes.
I have tried eliminating things form my diet, but I honestly dont think Its IBS as i dont generally suffer any pain, just discomfort and bad wind from time to time.
I know alot of it is distorted thinking because if I dont go I worry about all the food that inside me and I need to get it out so I will then exercise loads to burn calories.
I was supposed to be starting a family at the end of September but im not ready in body or mind and would really like some support so I can have my dream!!