Hey everyone, I'm just making this post to see if anyone can help me out here. I've never really thought about me relating with an eating disorder (And maybe it is just me being funny about my recent diet changes) but i'd love if someone could give me some advice as to what to do.
I've always had a thing with being ashamed of my body size. I've never really acted on it though until in the last 6 months or so though. As it stands, I usually only have 1 proper meal a day (Sometimes I may have a piece of toast in the morning if I can make myself, but otherwise not really) I've always wondered if due to other mental issues, that would be the reason why. (I've struggled with depression-related issues in the past, which resulted in me not wanting to eat because food just wasn't tasting of anything at really low points...sometimes I still get this issue)
I'm not sure what else to say really, but is it worth seeing to, or should I just leave it?
(I also probably explained this badly so if anyone has any questions towards it I'd be happy to answer them)
Amaya x