In up to 5% of patients, Sweet's syndrome can be triggered by medication. Find an updated list of medications @ helpforsweetssyndromeuk.wor...
Michelle (admin).
In up to 5% of patients, Sweet's syndrome can be triggered by medication. Find an updated list of medications @ helpforsweetssyndromeuk.wor...
Michelle (admin).
But how are you supposed to know what exactly started the Sweets? I'm on lots of those medications!
Hi annaglynn,
Most cases of Sweet's syndrome (at least 95%) are not triggered by medication. However, drug-induced Sweet's syndrome is something that sometimes needs to be considered if the Sweet's syndrome developed not long after a particular medication was started, or if the Sweet's syndrome continues to persist for many months or years, even after treatment.
If Sweet's syndrome is triggered by medication, it often settles down once the medication is stopped. Also, the Sweet's syndrome flares-up again if the medication is re-introduced.
Updated on 17/07/18. See new post for latest information on drug-induced Sweet's syndrome.