Hi, I've just been diagnosed with vasovagal syncope. I have no warning signs and as yet, haven't come across any triggers. I do have severe headaches frequently and chest pain. I am a single parent to a young child who is amazing at looking after me when I blackout. My GP has signed me off work for the last few weeks as my asthma has got extremely bad, and I've been blacking out a lot more than bormal. My work have been less than understanding, and have pretty much accused me of faking synptoms as I've never blacked out there (I work in a primary school so I'm glad it's never happened there!) and one of my bosses (I have two jobs there) sacked me in the playground this week in front of all the parents, causing me to have another episode. I'm hoping to find some sort of support, or someone to talk to who is in a similar situation and may suggest coping mechanisms. It's all still sinking in and I'm feel extremely down about everything that has happened.
Feeling hopeful that support is here
Thank you in advance