My daughter who is16 has been diagnosed with dissociative attacks,after almost 5 years of attacks, I want to get her a med alert bracelet, was wondering if anyone has any ideas about what to put on it, thank you in advance .
My daughter who is16 has been diagnosed with dissociative attacks,after almost 5 years of attacks, I want to get her a med alert bracelet, was wondering if anyone has any ideas about what to put on it, thank you in advance .
Hi my daughter was diagnosed with vasovagal at 16. She didn't want to wear a medi bracelet. I bought her a silver charm bracelet and a medi alert charm and had my phone number and her condition engraved on it. She has other silver charms so looks like a nice piece of jewellery.
Hi, I was diagnosed with neurocardiogenic syncope (vasovagal) around 7-8 years ago.
I recently purchased a medic alert bracelet and had my condition and medication inscribed on the reverse.
I didn't want the details on the front for all to see. Only the medic alert emblem is visible.