NOT AGAIN: Can't believe it, my index... - Scleroderma & Ray...

Scleroderma & Raynaud's UK (SRUK)

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Anteater profile image
30 Replies

Can't believe it, my index finger has blown up again like a big fat sausage - Red, cannot bend it and pulsing .... pump, pump, pump, .... like a volcano waiting to erupt. Got more antibiotics/painkillers - I hate this condition...... No ulcer though, thank god but suppose I should not speak to soon.

Happy New Year everyone

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Anteater profile image
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30 Replies
lifeforce profile image

God sounds so familiar,I have 2 right now as I type this they are stinging and throbbing. Looks like SOMEONE could help us!

SandraMarie profile image

And a Happy New Year to you too!!!! I can't believe you're wasting valuble space on here to grumble about one finger ...... some people can't even move off their sofas or eat or anything , you just have to deal with it. Try to think ,there's always someone worse off than yourself ,and you may find you can learn to cope and adjust your life accordingly.

Anteater profile image
Anteater in reply to SandraMarie

SandraMarie, for your information I do not only have a really badly infected finger which is getting shorter because the bone is disappearing but I have other problems and find it difficult to do a lot of things - AND I have been adjusting my life for years - you do not know anything about me so it may be best to think before you reply.

teresaann profile image
teresaann in reply to SandraMarie

i would just like to say my girlfriend suffer's with raynaud's,scleroderma'fibromyalgia and depression..she gets ulcer-rated fingers and believe me its not nice for can keep her up all nite in alot of pain..i know i cant turn around to her and say i know what she going though because i cant..she is in alot of pain every day with everything thats going on with her...i can only support her the best i can..but being that close to her and being with her for along time i feel the pain inside me too..its hurts me to watch her in so much pain sometimes...i would like to say that these sites are put on here so other people can share there illness' altho im there for her...i have'nt got these conditions..and it really does help to talk to other people that do...

zenabb profile image
zenabb in reply to teresaann

I feel for you. It must be difficult but I am sure that you do all you can to help her. Are her doctors following her well enough?

teresaann profile image
teresaann in reply to zenabb

hi zenabb yes i do thanks . i have 5days iloprost in hospital. plus take lot of pills .. still be nice to have just one day with out pain . like all of us with this illness . .. you have to have this illness to fully understand what we go through. my heart goes out to all of you xxx

RosemerryVenet profile image

SandraMarie - I am sorry but I have to disagree. Just because there are people worse off, it doesn't make your pain any easier. And if you can't moan to people who understand, who can you talk to?

zenabb profile image

What did you last time? Are you going to the doctor?

Good luck. Happy and better New year.

Anteater profile image
Anteater in reply to zenabb

Hi Zenabb, last time I had an ulcer on the same finger which took 6 months to go after Iloprost and Antibiotics both oral and intravenous. Then another ulcer and infection which took 2 months to go 1 month free and now another infection. Been to doctors - more antibiotics, codiene and paracetamol and Tramadol if I wake up in the night with pain - which I have ....

zenabb profile image
zenabb in reply to Anteater

And do these painkillers work? I was given amitrityline in small dose and it helps though it does not remove the pain only the intensity of it.

AshtonRains profile image

Oh Anteater, I really do feel for you!!!! I have two very severe ulcers at the moment that aren't clearing up, have taken Flucloxicillin and Amoxicillin and neither have worked, I sense another Iloprost!! I hope yours begin to heal soon xxxx

Anteater profile image
Anteater in reply to AshtonRains

Hi Ashton, how is yr other treatment going xx

frostykitten profile image

I hope your condition improves. It surprised me that someone jumped on you for your post especially on this message board. We are supposed to share, inform and support each other.

Sally_H profile image

Thanks- it is so god to hear of others having ulcers etc - I don't feel such a failure. I get them on my feet and they are sore! Yes I am on antibiotics partly as the bad circulation makes the chances of healing without medication that much harder - so my Doctor said.

My fingers and toes swell even when it does not seem that cold.

I empathise and thank you for being honest and open

DebKate profile image

Finger pain is real and sometimes almost intolerable...I am battling scleroderma, chronic fatigue, and reynauds, so I understand!

It helps to have folks who empathise...

Be blessed! There are answers out there... I was helped by Dr. Don Colbert, nutritional M.D. in that okay to share that here? :)

SandraMarie profile image

Dear Mr Anteater, I'm not surprised you took great offence at my honesty,but I did not join this site to listen to people moan and whinge over every element of their condition. I saw it as being a very helpful source of information to help each of us to understand our individual situations as they progress, and to help with positive advice. Not comparing notes on who has the worst ulcers or who is taking the most medication etc. etc. I do sympathise but we've all lived our lives in agony, we just have to rise above it not sit back and complain. Best Wishes.

Anteater profile image

SandraMarie, this is the last thing I am going to say about this - You sound a very bitter person and I am a Mrs not a Mr .... I was not offended but what you put but very shocked that someone who does not know a person can comment so bitterly on one subject ..

txqueenb2 profile image

We are here to support eachother,to listen to eachother ,be it to "compare" battle scars or meds etc.we are here to reach out to one another.We can't describe the pain and throbbing etc. to someone that doesn't understand.Sandramarie if you have no compassion or cannot say anything comforting or supportive,maybe its best you say nothing at all.

SheriFrost profile image

I am very disappointed that anyone would choose to chastise someone so on a supportive website like this. Shame on you! Moving on, I agree that a nutritionist might help. My wellness doc took me off all gluten and all dairy. I get the digital ulcers but they don't get infected like before. In fact, between that and getting my spinal column adjusted regularly I have felt a million times better. I love my rheumy but honestly, traditional medicine was failing me miserably so natural medicines were a welcome alternative and have really helped. Feel better Ant. This too shall pass.

lifeforce profile image

HAPPY NEW YEAR to my fellow sclerodermians,Sandra Marie don't know what the problem is but if you can't be a little compassionate to someone that has a pain NO one can understand other than folks with this curse then go away! I hope all of us show some kind of improvement in 2012.

Marytsa profile image

Sorry your finger hurts I know how that is... My Dr does Botox shots in my hands and since I started that treatment I have not had an ulcer in over a year.. I have lost most of the tissue in my hands from ulcers. For me antibiotics did not work but maybe it's cause I have the diffuse systemic scleroderma with the CREST and my body can't fight anymore.

For the person that said something negative should not even be on here this is for helping each other not being mean. Everyone deals with pain different and some can't deal with it at all!! That is what this is for getting input from others!!!

Anteater if it makes you feel any better my hands look like little sausages all the time!! I just look at them and laugh!!! Hopefully the pain will get better!!!

Happy New year to all!!!!

Anteater profile image
Anteater in reply to Marytsa

Hi Marytsa, I have just started having Botox in my hands - I had my first shots in March to help clear an ulcer I had for 6 months then July and October next lot in January - my finger this time has no ulcer but is just infected (how I have no idea - no cuts) The tissue on the tips of my fingers is also also very tender and thin .... they are going to continue with the Botox every 3 months then continue with Iloprost every 6 months.. You are the first person I have heard of having Botox in the hand I hope it works for me xx I have mine done by Plastics at the Royal Free in Hampstead.

Happy New Year xx

Dear Anteater, hope you are feeling better and wish you a happy New Year. It's good to share your feelings with other people. I thought that this was one off the purposes of this website. No matter how small or large the problem is, it does not make it any less important. We are all here to support each other. Sorry that you had negative comments, but the rest of us are on your side.

cookie74 profile image

hi all,, i thought this site was to chat to ppl with the same pain n problems this illness brings??? and sometimes a little boost of confidence and chatting to ppl going through the same things may help some1 else?? my hands r so sore,, had 1 amputated and one is hanging off from the tip as we speak,, just want the nail to drop off,, and first big ulcer on my lower knuckles ( ouch) which as been infected twice,, tried alsorts of antibiotics n the 1 that does work,,, the gp dont wanna prescribe me ( causes bowel problems) so they say?? cirproxacillan <--- if spelt correct,, no others seem to do nothing:( i have sec raynauds, crest,, scleroderma,DVT at the mo,, problems to swollow, hope ur feeling ok anteater,, happy new year to you all, xx

Anteater profile image
Anteater in reply to cookie74

Hi Cookie, I feel for you, one of my friends has had amputations and I have seen the affect it has on her and the pain she has gone through xxxx I was told to ask for Co-Amoxiclav because it works inside out (if you know what I mean) but my GP does not like to prescribe it either because it causes other problems ... Oh well, lets hope medication improves soon xxx Happy New Year and very best wishes lets hope we all have a painless one !!!

hhardwick profile image

I am newly diagnosed with scleroderma - 2011 but am concerned at the rate the pain has developed in fingers and toes. Am on medication but very worried about ulcers and swelling of fingers. Any helpful hints gratefully received x

txqueenb2 profile image
txqueenb2 in reply to hhardwick

As you should be (concerned)but not to the point of worrying yourself sick.That is one of the main culprits ..stress.Keep taking your meds if they don't work for you or make you sick have your Dr. adjust them.Scleroderma is different for everyone.Just know we are here for you.

sueshellann profile image

Hi Anteater

So sorry you are feeling oh no not again and we all know how long thing take to heal. My first suggestion is warmth for the pain, I mean constant heated bags I found this helpful. I eventually had 6 of my fingers amputated; due to the breakdown of ulcers, which have now healed and are I am pain free. My hands are fully functional considering. (no good for me false nails though)!! keep positive

Happy New Year to you and all those who share

Anteater profile image
Anteater in reply to sueshellann

Hi Sueshellann, Happy New Year to you too xx I have a few friends that have had amputations also, it is a terrible condition lets hope that one day they may find better medication or better still a cure - we live in hope xx In the meantime, we all have to soldier on and live life to the full the best we can xx

Doggo profile image

Thinking of you in this very cold weather, I have one fat sausage finger that was always brought to my attention through my therapist!. She would sit there and say "fingers are bad again" as if I hadn't noticed!. I have all sorts of issues as we all do with autoimmune and I am very happy to hear everyone's, be it a sore finger to falling out hair to agony drinking tea like I have!. Not in competition to hear who has the worst or who has the most, I'm here to support. I will moan and whinge and whine, because I love tea and it hurts to drink it and I am angry because I don't drink alcohol or take drugs or hurt anyone or rob banks, but really, drinking tea and I can't do that now - that sucks!.

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