Hi folks... this is going to be a bit a none Raynaud's blog this time around. I might have mentioned and some have found out I am a bit of a geek when it comes to computers but I thought that you guys might want to know what I've found out through some experimenting.
Little smiley faces, the way to brighten up any post...literally. Paint it with yellow! Also a good way to convey emotion, well more so than !, ?, !? and so on. Here's a list and a small description of each.
':)' = : A smiley face, easy to type, just a colon and an end parenthesis!
';)' = : A wink!
':D' = : A really happy face!
':(' = : A sad face...
':'(' = : Really sad, crying
':x' = : Angry...grr!
':|' = : Usually this emoticon is used to convey indifference, but on healthunlocked, whackiness!
':P' = : Tongue out!
':o' = : Otherwise known as OMG or amazement
'8-)' = : I'm so cool! Or something to that effect. I have no idea what the word cool means... oh and unicode should work too...edit: Unicode doesn't work
Some of you might know what bbcode is and there is bbcode support, basically it's a way of styling the text...so [b]Bold[/b], [u]Underlined[/u] and [i]Italic[/i]
Simples right? Just a heads up but the tech team are thinking about upgrading the website over the next couple of months. You didn't hear it from here though!