I read Sandycharlie's post and it seems a lot of people take it with success. What dose do you need to take and are there any side effects? Am 52 years old and get Raynauds all year round - usual symptoms - white fingers, pain and pins and needles etc. but fortunately no ulcers - any suggestions?
I get Raynauds in my hands . I've tri... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I get Raynauds in my hands . I've tried Losartan but it made no difference and am wondering if nifedipine would help.

I have tried numerous medication for my Raynauds but nothing really helps lol xx I have systemic scleroderma Raynauds and other auto immune conditions xx. Have been told that I have severe Raynauds and always have the dreaded ulcers ......
And I forgot to say that what works for one person may not on another so trial and error ...
hi i have had bad side affects with nifedipine and came of it,but everyone if different, i would say see your doctor, i am waiting to see the rheumatologist now good luck and take care xx
Nifedipine works for some, chat to your gp or rheumatologist re the best dose. It didn't work for me but nothing has made a big difference for me although I realise I'm really fortunate as my raynauds is pretty severe but I don't get ulcers. I really hope you find something that works for you x
Nipedine fortunately seems to work for me, I hv secondary raynauds from scleroderma, I've been on tabs 30 mg per day for 9 yrs now, I also found that NOT smoking helps, not smoked for 7yrs now.. As my blood pressure normal when I 1st started on tabs I used to get the odd dizzy spell but that doesn't happen now.. Good lucky: )
Nifi is generally the way to go, for some people, it doesn't work, for others...it isn't bad. Though my dosage isn't as high as some others apparently. So your doc can see where they want to take it.
It's just a way of managing the symptoms. (In my case, colour change only). Side effects are usually rare ^-^
Hi DeedeeP. Re Nefedipine. It's case of " nothing tried,nothing gained". I have taken this for quite a while and has had no ill-effects from it. Give it a go, if you find it not to be effective you can ask your doctor to prescribe something else. Good luck!