I've had so many ill problems over the years, ie terrible back pain that comes and goes, chronic fatigue and depression. Anyway nearly 3 years ago my eyes started to get dry, then dryer, then my mouth so dry again. Then my upper arms and chest began to itch and burn. It got so bad I had to put ice cubes on them so I could go back to sleep as the pain was like i was being eaten alive by red ants, it was awful and no exaggerating. After numerous annoying trips to the GP i finally changed surgeries. Now they have changed some of my medications for my depression and the itching has calmed down a lot but not the eyes, mouth, chronic fatigue and now another addition, I am constantly running to the loo all night long. I try not to drink but my mouth is sooooo dry it's impossible. My new doctor has given me ointment for night time for my eyes and gel for the day times. At nights each time I wake to run to the loo my eyes hurt me so much that I run back into bed and smother them with ointment as the pain is so bad and after a little while I go back to sleep but then wake again run to the loo, run back to bed and use the ointment again and again all through the night. I have now been referred to see an Opthamologist because of the pain. I have seen a urologist but he seems to think that if I could get the dryness sorted out it'll probably sort out the waking at night as I won't be running back and forth from the bathroom. I think I'm a little frustrated as I think it's clear I have Sjorgens Syndrome and I don't understand why it's taking so long to be referred to a Reumatologist as I'd like to get help to make myself feel more comfortable. Sorry if I sound like I'm moaning but I'm frustrated more than grumpy. Does anyone else feel the same as myself that I may have hit the nail on the head with Sjorgens even though I know I'm not a Doctor. I did mention this to my Gp and she said that she would just mention Sjorgens in her referral letter. Thanks for reading