Anyone else unlucky enough to have Raynaud's AND Crohn's disease? I have both!!
Anyone else unlucky enough to have Ra... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Anyone else unlucky enough to have Raynaud's AND Crohn's disease?

Me too! Scleroderma, Raynaud's and Crohn's disease. Have had an ileostomy for 28 years. Never know what pain and symptoms are caused by what! Not much fun, is it?
Do you know if the Crohn's is related to the scleroderma? Was diagnosed with Crohn's in 1983 and the scleroderma many years later, so don't know if they are related.
Hi Rosemerry - As far as I know there isn't a connection between the two. I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 1978 and joined N.A.C.C. not long afterwards (Nat. Assoc. of Crohn's & Colitis) and have never read about a connection.
Wow! I seriously thought I was the only person in the world with scleroderma and Crohn's!!! So glad to know I'm not alone!!! I was diagnosed with Crohn's at the age of 14---I had been sick for over a year and weighed 64 pounds when they finally figured it out. I had an illeostomy bag for 6 months, I have such terrible memories of playing basketball my freshman year of high school and worrying constantly that it was going to leak. Then I felt great for a long time. I got sick last fall and finally had a colonoscopy---it had spread from my small intestine and now my whole colon was infected too. Humera has been a miracle drug for me. And then I found out two months ago at the age of 29 that the reason my hands look the way they do is because I have scleroderma. Now I take the Bar Exam in 9 days...stress and my disease don't go well together for me. Thank you so much for letting me know that you guys are out there, living a day at a time too.
Wow!!! My mom has Crohns and I have Scleroderma, so I know the struggles with both. I can't even imagine having both Crohns and Scleroderma! I'm so sorry you all have a double whammy! Hang in there!!!
HI Carol-C, I also had scleroderma, mixed up with a bit of crohn's, reynauds and lupus as well. The crohns seems to still be present, as I still get serious reflux later in the evenings. But the other symptoms seem to have gone into remission. Iv'e now been healthy for about 10yrs and only on "natural medicine", no more pharmaceutical drugs. Just letting you know that we are out there and that these illness's can be beaten. Sending strength your way.
Tony from South Africa