What medication do you take for Acid ... - Scleroderma & Ray...
What medication do you take for Acid Reflux, I am trying to get an idea of what is out there to ask my GP for a new med?

Esomeprazol and domperidone. But this only is what I personally take.
Hi uknlv, I take Lansaprazole, domperidone and Ranitidine but still suffer acid reflux and swallowing problems. I dont think my new GP would know what to give me as the are useless so I will wait till I go to clinic in June to see what else they will give me. Good luck x
I tried a couple of medications for this a few years ago but nothing seemed to make the problem any better, if anything it got worse while I was on the meds. I now take a herbal tincture called 'Centaurium' from the Vogel natural health range, I take a few drops in a little water about 15 minutes before meals and it really seems to have helped. I think it's supposed to strengthen the oesophagal spinchter muscle, whether it's just psychological I'm not sure, but it seems to work for me.
I've tried lansoprazole, then omeprazole but now I've been switched to esomeprazole which seems to be working ok. I have also been taking metoclopramide for nausea/sickness and to generally help the muscles in my digestive system (although I've been advised not to take the 3 a day unless I really need to).
There are also things you can do with your diet (avoiding spicy and acidic food whenever possible). Sometimes I go to bed with a glass of yoghurt mixed with water if I am having a bad night.
Thanks everyone, I will take all this to my GP tomorrow and see what he says!
I prefer to take a physical approach to reflux as the problem with inhibiting the acid with proton pump inhibitor drugs is that with less acid you don't digest your food as effectively. I am already underweight so need to get as much from my food as I can. So I sleep propped up on a foam wedge, with another pillow under my knees to stop me sliding down the bed. My main meals are breakfast and lunch and I eat my evening meal early, preferably before 6pm, to minimise the amount in my stomach by the time I go to bed. Hope this helps someone else!
Lansprazole, domperidone and ranitidine. I find they do help, though if I eat too much I still get reflux. I also have been told to sleep propped up.
I tried many prescription meds for this -nothing worked Then by chance pick up a pack of Wilconson's indigestion tablets MAGIC!!! Worked within minutes, best of all only have to be taken as ness. not for a month like script meds Can now eat more or less everything even at bedtime. Have not suffer recently but keep Wilco's tabs handy Hope this will help
See answer to RosemaryVenet
Omeprazole 20mg, twice daily and lots of Gaviscon. My stomach doesn't like to be empty so I'm always eating. I have many small meals a day, but still only size 8. I always have a good swig of Gaviscon last thing at night, which sometimes gets me through the 8 hours. I also avoid spicy or acidic foods
I took Nixiom for 20 years. I went to Washington University Hospital for esoughal
surgery.There is a 95% recovery rate. I've now have not had any sinus problems, ear infections, sore throats, or Asthma since. It was worth every penny. This teaching hospital knows what they are doing. 1990 I was told I had Rynauds. Also I have esoughal disfunction.I still suffer with intestial problems.
Does anyone have also kidney problems.
My reflux gives me an irritating cough that goes on and on and I have in the past had to leave the theatre or concert hall. But If I take my esomeprazol and domperidone three times a day without forgetting the lunch time dose it is fairly well controlled. Anyone else's experience would be useful.
It's good to be able to talk about these things.
If you are not happy with your GP's understanding ring the specialist nurse.
Hi, I take pantoprazole they prefer to give you lanzoprazole or omeprazole as they are cheaper but I prefer Pantoprazole.
I also prop the top my bed up on a house brick and also have a high pillow.
I cannot eat large meals or fatty foods late at night or i will know about it!
Coke also seems to set it off. However I have found that losing weight and eating more healthily has meant I have gone from 2 tablets a day to not even needing one and the cough associated with it has also gone. Hope this helps.
i was on omeprazole 20mg daily but it stopped working and i was burping a lot in the day and awake hours at night , they increased it to 20mg twice a day with no effect then 40mg bd i got joint aches head ache and then cramping went to my gp last night who took me off it and put me on domperidone with gaviscon in between, hope it works as i go on holiday friday. Bit worried as i read i should be on a ppi as well