So there is STILL confusion or lack of communication regarding my funding to Bath! I had a letter this morning from Bath stating I’d been taken off the outpatient waiting list because the funding was denied by Powys Local Health Board.....!! But I spoke to them last week, Powys health board and they said it was accepted !!
To add to the never ending headache, I called my GP last night and was told he’s retiring in two weeks !! He’s been my best source of professional support these last 5 months, he’s fighting my case, helped me all the way, negotiated a lot of things, he’s done as I’ve asked and he’s just the best Doc in town! He’s the only person who I trust, now after everything, I’ve lost him too 😒 I don’t know if I’m sad or angry. How can he just retire like that ?!!! He’s the head of clinic, the “dogs bollocks” he’s the man to have on side anyway, I know drs don’t have to tell patients anything but I only saw him two weeks ago?! Why didn’t he tell me?! We’re in the middle of a case here and he’s my main man?! Why didn’t he say anything ?!
I feel like I’ve got no one now xx