Hands look like this? Why
Anybody else?: Hands look like this... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Anybody else?
Do they look like constantly, or is it after a bout of Reynaud's? My hands have been icy cold, painful, and white for the last three days. However, they occasionally warm up suddenly, and when they do, they look exactly like that.
Are you on meds? My nifedipine sometimes makes my hands and face flush red.
My hands are like that because of poor blood circulation.
Do you have any autoimmune disease ?
Yes. I have raynauds and scleroderma/
Awe i haven't been diagnosed yet but I guess I'm right I don't know how to take this
Don't panic. Wait till you see your rheumatologist, get investigated and wait for results to see what you have to do. I have much experience. I am 87.
My hands do that. I have erythromelalgia and Raynaud's.
I haven't been diagnosed yet I'm scared lol
I couldn't figure out what was going on with me. It scared me too. But now that I know what it is, it makes it easier to deal with. Just keep pushing for a diagnosis.
If it is erythromelalgia, this is an excellent brochure that explains it: erythromelalgia.org/Portals...
My doctor has told me that I have health anxiety and he doesn't think it's anything serious . I'm convinced I'm dying Iv booked to see a private rheumatologist though
Don't go there. You must try to think positive until you know for sure what's happening. Even if it is autoimmune, so much can be done to help control the symptoms and give you a quality life still. We are all dying at this point, but why dwell on it. You just need to find out what is happening so that you can have peace of mind. Glad you are getting a second opinion.
You need to get a proper diagnosis ...I was stressed out about my symptoms too until I got the diagnosis after being in hospital for the second time with pneumonia in as many months. The doctor I saw in hospital said that she was going to send a rheumatologist to see me....when that happened I was told I have Systemic Sclerosis and then started to receive treatment for this ....it so helps when you actually know what is wrong with you. Best of luck to you and feel better soon pet.
Can someone message me I need someone to talk to about this
My erythremalalgia happens when I get hot, stressed, drink alcohol, standing for a long time or just as the day rolls on... It makes my feet, face, hands and sometimes knees turn bright red, swell and it burns like a really bad sunburn. The only thing that helps is cold packs. I've only just been diagnosed with this and still waiting to see a dermatologist about it. The hard part is usually jus the waiting and wondering. Hang in there. You will get answers. It took me almost four years before the autoimmune starting really becoming evident. It took a lot of searching until I found a good doctor. You will too.
Is it serious? Can u still exercise ? I play college soccer and want to go pro. This is worrying me.
like others have said you need to find out whats going on i have raynauds & CREST but my symptoms are well controlled by meds and i still can live pretty much as idid before i got sick
Mine are similar...just more swollen around the joints. They get very pinky/red and blotchy but not all the time....when they are cold they are purple or sometimes white...mostly purple though.
Yes.....I have systemic sclerosis....have just posted further up this page....but, you seem to be a lot stressed out and would say....stop! I lost a lot of weight through stressing about what was wrong with me.....my joints were so painful and swollen...I had trouble breathing...turns out I have lung damage with COPD, bronchiecstasis, and pulmonary fibrosis. I thought I was dying too....but not anymore! Once I knew what was wrong then I moved forward. There are good days and bad days. Just pace yourself! Good luck moving forward. Once you are properly diagnosed and receive treatment you will feel so much better...and a lot less stressed.