Should I be worried? The Dr found one when doing an abdo scan ...
I have CREST ....
Should I be worried? The Dr found one when doing an abdo scan ...
I have CREST ....
I have a polyp in my gall bladder. I've had it for years now and occasionally it does cause me pain. It feels a bit like gallstone pain which then usually prompts another scan which only shows my polyp.
I ws told by my doctor that there could be any number of causes for it, and they could remove my gallbladder to do a biopsy but as it only rarely causes me problems and it hasn't got any bigger they'd rather leave it be.
Apparently they're incredibly common. My doctor told me that if you went out and scanned every person in the town you'd probably find polyps in half the people, even though they've never had any symptoms.
That said, they do like to keep an eye on it and make sure it isn't getting any bigger. Polyps can become cancerous, so make sure you tell your doctor if you get any pain or different symptoms, and make sure you get it scanned every so often just to check.
Hope that is of some help