Are hot /cold flushes normal ? Not su... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Are hot /cold flushes normal ? Not sure if they are connected or if it's my age & coincidence!

Well, that depends. It *is* normal and won't really cause harm, however uncomfortable they may be.
If you have Raynaud's, I tend to get hot flushes in my hands and feet from time to time... almost like Raynaud's but in reverse, which I find really uncomfortable. My doctor isn't concerned in the slightest though.
I have had to reduce my Mycophenolate because of terrible hot flushes. They are not always something you have to put up with!
Rheumatolgist told me Raynauds characterised by poor temperature control. As well as getting cold blue and purple hands and feet I overheat easily (in particular at night).
Thanks for your reply glad to know its prob the disease !
i didnt know a mycophenolate side effect was hot flushes, i have been suffering terribly and they put it down to menopause and disease
Last week I had both the Raynauds and hot flushes within a few minutes of each other. It felt like some sort of party game. Not knowing whether to put more clothes on or take them off
Interesting times.
My sweats appeared shortly after being put on mycophenelate. Coincidence or not?
I have found hot and cold water helps me. Running cold water over your wrists pulse point helps to deal with sweats, and running warm water over the pulse points helps to counteract the raynauds attacks.
sometimes it could be mixture of both causes by the condition and menopause. i have been getting flushes for a few years but also being found to have raynaud's, so it could be one causing another. it's normal and also frustrating at the same time when you have all these things going on. wearing several thin layers of clothing helps so that when you feel cold or hot, you can always adjust easily by removing or putting one layer at a time.
I get very hot flushes but i am 63 rheumatologist says it is the medication