I have nad CREST for 10 years,recentl... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I have nad CREST for 10 years,recently developed GERD & Barretts. I had a horrid gullet spasm during the night - does anyone else get these?

Hi AliW......I have had similar symptoms you describe which were severe enough to be investigated as cardiac problems...I sometimes have spasms whilst eating which can be very frightening and extremely painful....I have also had them during the night and have experienced nocturnal vomiting, severe reflux and I have aspirated several times on my own vomit...it's a terrifying experience.......I find that if I have a light evening meal and a small cup of warm milk before bedtime my symptoms improve....also if I sleep in a elevated position with the help of 3-4 pillows my symptoms improve....I also have a back rest that I can use if my symptoms are more problematic.... I also take a high dose of rapreprazole, domperidone and sucralfate to help my symptoms.......I hope things settle down for you and you feel better soon.....take care xx
Hello, friend. I too am fighting CREST. I take Nexium for the GERD and have much less trouble than when I took other pills for GERD. BUT I still ALWAYS sleep propped up! My digestion is so much better, and I try not to eat at least 2 hours before I lie down. Insurance didn't want to pay for Nexium until I tried the cheaper drugs. My doc wrote a letter stating my need to the insurance and they went with it! Thankfully! Best wishes! DEBBIE
Hi DebKate Thank you for your reply - I have had the bed elevated with books at the head end - I did eat rather late & it was chocolate! ( treated myself) maybe that was the culprit - but so not worth bothering with a treat. I have been taking aloe vera but frankly it is not making much difference. I take Motilium ./ lansoprazole & Ranitadine at night. I love my red wine too & a few pleasures that are left I donlt want to give up!