On advice, on holiday I went to a Spanish teaching hospital to get my fat red fingers checked out. I am still mystified about the treatment given because of doubt about whether they were actually doing what they said.
First off they had no clue about the cause but said that they wanted to give me a cortisone injection. I was fine about that but then the nurse wanted to put a cannula into my arm which I thought was odd cecause cortisone is usually adminstered by deep IM. Not being too knowledgable I let them get on with it and they proceded to drip feed me the medication. When that was over they then gave me a deep IM injection stating that it was anti-histamine. That again struck me as odd because I never heard of deep IM anti-histamine. As well as that I got a prescription for anti-hist tablets and also anti-inflammatory.
When I got home I checked out what I could decipher from the treatment sheet that they supplied and discovered that the deep IM was a form of cortisone so the burning question is, what was the first treatment by drip. Additional info on that:-as soon as it entered my body it felt like an invading force of UFO's that were landing quite painfully at strategic points all over my body.
Please offer any ideas that you may have. Thanks